plough and stars
Greenhorns, this is a blog worth following, both for its words ("Pulling a cool dirt blanket over a year’s worth of success and failure feels like shaking up an etch-a-sketch […]
fibershed wool & fine fiber symposium
What’s growing in the backyard of the Bay Area? Are you a designer, artisan, young or novice farmer, looking to explore soil-to-skin practices? If so…mark you calendars for Fibershed’s Wool […]
schumacher lectures - internet economy
THE ROLE OF THE INTERNET IN THE CREATION OF A JUST AND SUSTAINABLE ECONOMY 32nd Annual E.F. Schumacher Lectures Tuesday, November 20th, 2012, 6:30-9:30pm First Church in Cambridge - 11 […]
farm hack ithaca: success
This past weekend, Farm Hackers gathered at beautiful Ecovillage in Ithaca, New York for the biggest (and possibly baddest) Farm Hack yet. Saturday featured live demos of various farm innovations […]
columbia county news & events
via Columbia Land Conservancy: Down to Earth Workshop: Farmer Landowner “Meet & Greet” Thursday, November 1st 7 pm-9 pm, Churchtown Firehouse, 2219 Rte 27, Churchtown, NY CLC is hosting a […]
cooperation, makes it happen
[youtube=] +
organic 2012 farm bill petition
[brought to you by the good people at the Organic Farming Research Foundation] We are working with organizations around the country to collect signatures to urge Congress to pass a […]
funeral for a farm bill
[youtube=] Ask Congress to pass a 2012 Farm Bill now!
a dairy grazier's apprentice scheme, in wisconsin
Full Details: www. Funded by the USDA, NIFA, and the University of Wisconsin-Madison's School for Beginning Dairy and Livestock Farmers.
job opening in NY
Brook Farm Project is looking for a field vegetable/CSA Grower Educator to join our team starting in Jan 2013. Primary responsibility: growing for all aspects of our field vegetable operation, including our CSA, regional Green […]
nice report back from farmhack
find it here. thank you to cathy stanton
farmers' rights, back in the day
A timeline of farmer's rights/populism. Very cool. Find it here.
watch clips from the james beard foundation conference
Here -->
seeking central maine grain growers
A note from the folks at the Somerset Grist Mill. Dear Interested Grain Growers and Land Owners, As you may know, Maine Grains at the Somerset Grist Mill in downtown […]
a nice history of 19th century social movements in agriculture
Check it out HERE. A snippet: Three movements to build public life The Grange Initially a movement to improve agriculture. Travelling speakers would speak about the latest scientific agricultural techniques, […]
greenhorns screening in the UK!
Our film is being shown by friends of Cultivate Oxford, a group of young growers in Oxford UK. Should you be a UK reader of this blog, the location is […]
greenhorns screening in washington (state)
please join us The Washington Young Farmers Coalition and the Quimper Grange for a screening of The Greenhorns, a documentary about the New Farming Movement in America Sunday, November 4th at […]
job opening in NYC
The East New York Farms! Project (ENYF) is hiring a Project Director. The Project Director will join a committed team of four full-time staff and over 100 active gardeners, market […]
in your town, there is state owned land.
If you see it being sprayed and are dismayed, here are some great background documents to support your advocacy. Sustainble land management protocols exist in state parks and preserves, […]
farmhack ithaca / this weekend
Saturday Oct 20 + Sunday Oct 21 2012 in Ithaca, NY >TOPICS Demo build of Scrap Laundry Greens Spinner + CoolBot Cooler Grain production and small-scale processing On-farm innovations from Ithaca area farmers […]
harvesting opportunities conference
Saratoga Spring, N.Y., October 4, 2012 —Farms contribute billions to New York’s economy, yet, since the 1980s, the state has lost more than 4,000 farms to development. Harvesting Opportunities in New York: […]
nyfc food film festival
right to know, in california
arctic cowboys
apprenticeship opportunity, salem CT
Provider Farm is a diversified, biodynamic farm located in Salem, Ct. We grow 14 acres of vegetables for our CSA, farmer's markets and whole sale accounts. We also maintain a […]
screening in DC
Join the Neighborhood Farm Initiative for our 4th annual: Film and Food Event, Wednesday, October 24, 2012 (Food Day) 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm An evening of film, local fare from Dangerously Delicious Pies (created […]
straddle that combine, greenhorns.
ALLIS-CHALMERS ALL CROP Harvester Technical Forum & Operator Round Table With Tom Yasnowski – Saturday November 3, 2012, 8:30 – 4:30 pm at Spring Creek Farm, 65 Drown Lane, […]
winter semester at stone soup
Stone Soup Institute is offering a winter semester to four students who are curious and adventuresome enough to explore the learning opportunities on a small homestead in coastal Maine. The major focus of […]
why california's prop 37 matters
michael pollan dishes it out this week in NYTIMES -- read it here:
yoga for farmers
[youtube=] Yoga to an original soundtrack. Deep relaxation, injury prevention, and a fiddlin' good time. Plus, farm dogs. dig the idea? help FUND IT!
organic research institute job
CEFS is offering a full-time, 12-month position. The primary purpose of this position is to support the research and extension program of the Director of the Center for Environmental Farming Systems, […]
greenhorns screening oct 17 !
[youtube=] film screening of The Greenhorns in the Napa Valley + a panel discussion with local food champions, hosted by Chef Ken Frank. Reception will follow Panelists include: Aaron Keefer, […]
wow, book news aplenty
Read What You Eat! The good folks at the Food Book Fair were invited to feature books you'll want to devour at the 3rd Annual FOOD FILM FESTIVAL (Oct. 17 - 21 in […]
greenhorns screening tonight, new york
Thursday October 11 Ossining, N. Westchester County, NY Barn Movie Night at Kitchawan Farm~ We’re screening The Greenhorns documentary, projected in the hayloft of our 200 year-old barn... film to […]
climate hurts farmers, but others more
Why Economic Models Don't Capture Climate Risks Properly By Matthew Yglesias I can't vouch for the details of the forecast, but this report predicting 100 million otherwise avoidable deaths due […]
annie's scholarships for sustainable ag students
Annie's Sustainable Agriculture Scholarships Annie's Sustainable Agriculture Scholarship Program is open to full-time undergraduate and graduate students studying at an accredited two- or four-year college or graduate school. The program offers a […]
a new book from shannon hayes, hurray!
Long Way on a Little: An Earth Lover's Companion for Enjoying Meat, Pinching Pennies and Living Deliciously From the cover: “Every earth-conscious home cook who wishes to nourish his or […]
land opportunity, CA
We seek a farmer-entrepreneur to assume full or partial responsibility for a 4-acre property surrounded by nature preserve west of Galt, California, in the heart of the Central Valley. The […]
western new york book arts center
This is a community letter press shop and non profit organization in buffalo. They have 12 letter presses, workshops, supply store, commercial customers and educational field trips. They take commercial […]
consider this strategy
"Scaling Climate Smart Agriculture by Financing Small and Growing Businesses" by Jesse Last JNearly 2 billion people living in poverty engage in agriculture as a means of survival, and over 1 […]