video: everyone deserves access
[vimeo] "We know that a lot of things contribute to poor nutrition and obesity but access is a key issue," says Dr. Giridhar Mallya of the Philadelphia Department of […]
women in sustainable agriculture fall gathering. save the date!
Some of us farm and some of us want to farm but we all enjoy sharing and learning from each other at the annual Fall Harvest Gathering for Women in […]
a summer gathering ~ growing food, farms and community
Saturday, July 19, 2014 9:30 am to 5:00 pm Winvian, Morris, CT This summer's gathering is a high-energy, interactive and fun, yet serious educational event targeted at the grassroots, with an […]
organic rising
another new film... Organic Rising. [vimeo 87896825 w=500 h=281] Today’s food crisis is the civil rights movement of our time. As Americans slowly awaken to the shocking realities of our […]
china's new agrarians
How China's young idealists are turning to the soil by Carrie Gracie for the BBC In June 1989, on the orders of China's ruling Communist Party, the army crushed pro-democracy […]
greenhorns severine & patrick to speak at maine sail freight event
We hope you will join us in early summer, for an evening event exploring possibilities for a Maine Sail Freight Project along our fine seacoast. On June 22 we’ll join with Penobscot […]
pay-what-you-can veggie stand
An interesting model in Vancouver. They've raised 30% of their goal so far. Check it out! And pitch in if you can. Soul Food has a plan to double Vancouver's […]
vote for the butterflies!
Tigers on Market Street! The Western Tiger Swallowtail butterfly (Papilio rutulus) has found habitat on San Francisco's Market Street. Over the next two years, while Market Street's ultimate design is […]
book: three squares, the invention of the american meal
We are what we eat, as the saying goes, but we are also how we eat, and when, and where. Our eating habits reveal as much about our society as […]
the permaculture orchard: beyond organic is available for download on june 1st!
Click here to download this video on June 1st! The orchard can be a magical place; endless acres of peaches, pears, or apples in gorgeous bloom by the […]
strolling of the heifers!
June 6,7,8 Brattleboro, VT Join us in beautiful, historic Brattleboro for a weekend of activities honoring farmers and celebrating local food, all built around our signature event, the world-famous Strolling […]
foraging ahead: a nice video from sesquatchie cove farm
Sequatchie Cove Farm is a family-run farm in Tennessee's Sequatchie Valley. Four generations of Keeners live in the Cove. They have succeeded in creating a culture of food that puts […]
belgium: civil action against gmos
The Field Liberation Movement and its sympathisers promote sustainable solutions for farmers and consumers and a transparent research funding of science in the interest of society. Public funds should benefit […]
upcoming new england shows: max godfrey and elias alexander
Join Max and Elias for a raucous, foot-pounding evening of southern traditional songs and tunes. Max Godfrey and Elias Alexander play Southern American music with rare soul, striking a dynamic […]
iowa: build a root washer for you vegetable farm/ root washer giveaway!
Versaland Farm Iowa City, IA Tuesday July 22nd, 2-7pm A critical piece of farm profitability is having the tools to work efficiently. Beginning farmers, those quickly and earnestly tackling a […]
featured resource: agrarian trust land news
A great news source from Agrarian Trust: Land News worldwide agricultural news about land access and land tenure
more news on the high seas!
Tres Hombres Tall Ship Loads Rum and More in Caribbean; Additional Ship Readied for Europe Only by Jan Lundberg The Tres Hombres schooner brig continues its trade mission for European markets. On this […]
documentary: the organic life
The Organic Life Following a year in the life of Austin, a hopeful organic farmer, and his skeptical girlfriend Casey, this illuminating documentary chronicles farm living and shows not only […]
farmers organizing in nebraska
Jane Kleeb vs. the Keystone Pipelineby Saul Elbein, May 16, 2014 Terry Van Housen had a question. What he wanted to know from the 30 or so other Nebraska farmers […]
another open sourcer!
Farmier is a web-based platform for farmers, producers, and individuals, built on open source technologies, with the goal of providing a whole set of data management tools under one roof.
high mowing organic seeds now verified as non-gmo!
High Mowing Organic Seed Company (HMOS) announced today that it is launching the first full line of organic, Non-GMO Project Verified vegetable seeds for farmers and gardeners. With over 90% […]
14th annual tomato festival at red fire farm
SATURDAY, AUGUST 23, 2014 7 Carver Street, Granby, MA Every year, we have an unbelievable selection of amazing and often award-winning tomatoes for you to taste. It's a great day […]
cowboys and indians together protesting pipeline
Text by Kristin Moe, photos by Garth Lenz, for the International League of Conservation Photographers. On April 22, 2014, the dozen or so leather-booted ranchers mounted their horses and lined […]
stop the spread of gmos in the environment
Urgent request to address and halt the spread of genetically organisms into the environment! Several examples of the uncontrolled spread of genetically engineered plants into wild populations and ecosystems have […]
greenhorns almanac still available at powell's books
Click HERE to order.
wanting to start a farm in nova scotia?
Seeking support for starting a farm in Nova Scotia? ThinkFARM is an amazing government resource. Follow this LINK for more information on the services offered below.
vermont sail freight flies again!
Mark your calendars. And stay in the loop! Mechanicville, NY Saturday June 7th. Market at the dock. Hours TBA Waterford, NY Sunday June 8th. Attending Waterford Farmers Market 10am – 1pm Coxsackie, NY Wednesday […]
featured book: we the eaters
The implausible truth: Over one billion people in the world are hungry and over one billion are overweight. Far from complete opposites, hunger and obesity are in fact different manifestations […]
urban ag in baltimore
URBAN GREEN: HOOP HOUSES REPLACE ROW HOUSES IN BALTIMORE'S SANDTOWN by Alia Malek BALTIMORE, Md. — In Sandtown, Douglas Wheeler looks out with satisfaction over the abandoned city-block-turned-farm where he […]
new ct farmer alliance event
New CT Farmer Alliance May Farm Tour and Potluck Sunday May 25th 4pm-6pm Truelove Farms122 Thomaston Rd Morris, CT 06763 Truelove Farms is a small, sustainable farm focused on using natural, grass-based practices to […]
a writing refuge
Writers, apply now! More than ever, writers need time and space to think deeply, recharge their imagination and write without distraction. The Mesa Refuge provides these in an absolutely sublime […]
worksongs with max & maggie! atlanta, ga
if you've got roots and/or connections in the Southeast, spread the word! Whistlepig Productions Presents: "I'm Goin' Home: Worksongs, Chanteys and Roots Music with Max and Maggie." Join Max and Maggie for […]
a cool virtual library for you to explore
The International Theatre of the Oppressed Organisation will not be just one Center more, but an Organisation dedicated to help all Centers to develop themselves, so that they can help other TO groups […]
is it in the gluten or is it the glyphosate (round-up)?
From, February 18, 2014 New evidence points to glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup, as the culprit in the rise of gluten intolerance, celiac disease and irritable bowel syndrome. […]
mark your fall calendars for the surrealist cabaret pumpkin walk
October 2014 Amherst, MA Thursday through Sunday, October 16-19th at 5:00 All things fall: The 7th Annual Surrealist Cabaret Pumpkin Walk The Surrealist Cabaret and Pumpkin Walk is a buffet for […]
important article
Realities of Shifting to a Sustainable Economy by John Fullerton “The true nature of the international system under which we were living was not realized until it failed.” —Karl Polanyi […]
MOFGA's farm & homestead day
So many people asked, "Whatever happened to Small Farm Field Day?" that a group of dedicated volunteers decided to resurrect the event as Farm & Homestead Day at MOFGA. The […]