gmo free and still doing big buisness
As you can read in the article below, Chipotle is at the top of fast food restaurants in sales, beating out KFC, Taco Bell, and Pizza Hut. They are the […]
the revival is real!
Sailing Dog, a sail freight focused on sustainable trade in western Washington, comprised a list of the working sail's around the world. The twelve listed all share equally inspiring visions […]
food sovereignty & regional resilience panel
Maine Sail Freight Food Sovereignty & Regional Resilience Panel Thursday August 27 // Gulf of Maine Research Institute 350 Commercial St, Portland, ME 5pm – 7pm suggested donation: $10.00/at the door Even […]
story of our soil
"The regeneration of soil is the task of our generation." The video is great, but their petition is even better. Learn more about the Story of Soil on the group's website. which is […]
how's your gut going?
We know that our microbiome (or the collective bacteria in and on the human body) has been shown to play important roles in our digestion, metabolism, and possibly even our […]
farmher, supporting women in agriculture
Iowa photographer Marji Guyler-Alaniz gets it. She just gets it. In her own words, "Too often in our world, the beauty of a woman; of an image, is judged by a face. These […]
these are the sea shanties
In our continued enthusiasm for Maine Sail Freight, we are very excited today to bring you a little piece of traditional nautical ear candy. For hair-raising harmonies, visions of rocky […]
come one, come all to the grand dinner in portland, me
We bet you have been looking for another way to support the maiden voyage of Maine Sail Freight. Well, baby, we've got it! On Thursday August 27th, the Greenhorns are teaming […]
research highlight: removing non-crop habitat does not increase food safety
Schematic of farm environment using co-management approach for food safety and environment. In 2006, a deadly Escherichia coli O157:H7 outbreak in bagged spinach was traced to California’s Central Coast region, […]
MARCH 1978 Features Maine’s Surprising Legislature Lawmakers in Augusta are getting younger and more independent. And more and more of them are women. By Bill Caldwell. Bringing Her Down East […]
northern NY research evaluates non-traditional crops for high tunnel growers
The Northern New York Agricultural Development Program has funded a number of projects evaluating ways to extend the growing season and crop options for high tunnel farmers in Clinton, Essex, […]
solutions for self reliance
RESILIENCE is a community where people who pursue self-reliance and freedom come to get ideas on: Growing and Preserving Food Capturing, Storing and Purifying Water Generating Your […]
the real world .... of 17th century farming
This is the true story... of seven strangers and farm animals... picked to live on a 17th century farm...working together with only the tools available in the year 1620 .... […]
could kelp trump kale?
Gabriela Bradt, a fisheries specialist at the University of New Hampshire, is ready to make Kelp the "Kale of the Sea". According to her interview in The Salt: "The American […]
soil is life
Herbivorous Solar Conversion and Sequestration in the Shenandoah Valley By Joeal Salatin, Rural America, August 16th, 2015 Soil is a world. A community of beings as unbelievable as you can […]
soulful action
Rev. Billy and the Choirs's BAN MONSANTO Summer [soundcloud url="" params="auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true" width="100%" height='450' iframe="true" /] This song was written by Nehemiah Luckett & Laura Newman from the words of The […]
hacking it out
FarmHack, a Greenhorns open-source, easily accessible platform that allows members to interact, debate and build on each other’s innovations to common farm problems, received some great press from Holly Black of […]
more fish in the sea
NPR's The Salt on "Why 500 Million Seafood Meals Get Dumped in the Sea." Because I am willing to bet that-- at least when it comes to the readers of this blog-- […]
this history is worth knowing (for farmers, for everyone)
American History, it's not boring. (And it's worth knowing.) Just ask J.L. Bell, a historian who writes on his well-curated blog about the start of the American Revolution in and […]
two chances to hear songs of maine by away down east this week
Can You Sing “Maine”? Songs of Maine’s Fishermen, Sailors, Lumberjacks, River Drivers, & Shore Workers featuring: From Away Downeast, America’s Easternmost Chantey Group will be playing the fiddle, guitar, banjo, and harmonica this week […]
new hampshire: sev speaks THIS FRIDAY in seacoast region
Sustainable farmer at Amos Fortune Friday The Amos Fortune Forum will welcome their sixth speaker on Friday night. Noted “new farming” expert and Agrarian Severine Fleming will deliver a talk […]
book the bufflehead for next week's greenhorns rendezvous in the thoroughfare
August 23- Watermans Community Center : North Haven, Maine 1pm- 6pm Come join us in the North Haven thoroughfare! IF YOU'D LIKE TO SAIL OUT ON THE BUFFLEHEAD TO ATTEND THESE EVENTS, […]
from maine to boston by ship: a local economy stunt by young farmers with a long view
THIS MONTH! The GREENHORNS' MAINE SAIL FREIGHT will sail 11 tons of Maine-grown cargo from Maine to Boston aboard the beloved 131 foot traditional wooden schooner, Harvey Gammage. We will […]
incredible lecture on the north atlantic fishery-- from a historical perspective
women who farm story submission
Across Canada and the United States, women are becoming leaders in the agricultural industry. They are passionately involved in maintaining biodiveristy on the farm, in the soil, protecting the water and […]
the white house finally goes after seafood pirates
Americans eat more seafood than just about anyone else. Most of it is imported from abroad. And a lot of it — perhaps 25 percent of wild-caught seafood imports, according […]
a radical notion: the earth doesn't owe anyone a job
NPR's The Salt: Scientists propose banning ALL fishing for a 7 year period to allow restocking of ocean. Very controversial of course... and great fodder for discussion! This post brought to you by […]
behold the beautiful cargo!
As if you needed more convincing to order your Maine Sail Freight shipment, we are thrilled to announce that you can take a good mouth-watering look at the sea-bound goods in this gallery. […]
corroding our democracy (big oil, the canadian government, and the silencing of environmental science)
Democracy Now on the (nearly) unbelievable story of they extent to which Canada's oil industry has stifled the country's democracy, silenced its scientists, and crippled its environmentalist movements. It is […]
more than just of grain (of salt on the north atlantic)
NPR's The Salt on a it's title topic, on the totally rad revival of Sea Salt harvesting and sale on Massachusetts sea coast. This post brought to you by our continued […]
monsanto's latest monstrosity (and a call for submissions)
An insult to all things holy and good.
good primer on reclaiming our soils and regenerative farming
Excerpted from Ronnie Collins's essay Regeneration: Global Transformation in Catastrophic Times: We must begin to connect the dots between fossil fuels, global warming and related issues, including world hunger, poverty, unemployment, […]
soil not oil conference, richmond, ca, sept. 4-5
Soil Not Oil International Conference Friday-Saturday, Sept. 4-5, 2015, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm Memorial Civic Center Complex, 403 Civic Center Plaza, Richmond, CA 94804 Note: Dr. Vandana Shiva keynote speech […]
order the epic crown o' maine celery poster
Oh my god, it's so epic. So. Epic. The Crown of Maine Cooperative distributes locally grown food across Maine and has an extremely talented graphic design team. You can order […]
keystone species under ice
[youtube] The Last Ocean, a film about the commercial fishing of Antarctic keystone species, the Toothfish (aka, the Chilean Sea Bass). The fish is something you can buy for […]
farm to fork festival, saranac lake, ny, august 30
Started six years ago by the Adirondack Green Circle as a way to connect eaters in the area with the produce that the farmers were bringing to market, the Farm to […]
in cod we trust NPR's The Salt tells the story of how the cod in England's North Sea, after they had been fished to the brink of extinction, made a fantastic comeback with the help […]