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Northeast Real Food Summit

Posted: January 27 2009

Winter Greetings Folks,
zucchiniThe Northeast Real Food Summit is drawing near--workshops are coming together, the menu is being set, and registration has begun!
Join your peers, and REGISTER NOW for the Northeast Real Food Summit!
February 21-22, 2009 at University of Massachusetts-Amherst.

Registration takes but 5-10 minutes to complete. And be sure to pass the word on to friends on your campus and across the region. Gather a group of up to 10 from your school and register together!
**Registration DEADLINE is MONDAY, FEBRUARY 2nd, 2009.**
Don't miss out on this opportunity to connect with your peers on the issues you care about!
Here's a taste of the workshops that will be available at the summit:
* Campus Organizing and Campaign Planning
* Campus Farms and Gardens
* Successful Local Foods Purchasing
* From the Fields to the Table: Farmworkers, Dining Services and You
* Anti-Oppression and Diversity Trainings
* The Real Food Challenge: What it is, Where it's Going, How to Get Involved
Your Summit Planning Team,
Liz, Sam, Noah, Hannah J-H, Brittni, Hannah K, Hannah B, Marissa, and Graham
**Please email your regional coordinators, Sam and Marissa at [email protected] with any questions or comments.**

