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new podcast from txyfc

Posted: June 10 2013

We love these guys! Check out This is the Farm podcasts from the Texas Young Farmer Coalition
Episode #4:
Marysol Valle and Jeff Wiley of Fat Frog Farm enlighten us with their wisdom on this installment of This Is The Farm. Marysol and Jeff have extensive experience growing fruits and vegetables, as well as raising cattle. They’ve been through many trials and tribulations, and bring light to many of the successes and problems they’ve encountered on their various farming adventures. Starting farms from scratch, investing in infrastructure, speculating on how policy can encourage more new and young farmers, tips on how to grow better fruits and veggies, and so much more. Serious Knowledge.
Find it here: http://www.texasyoungfarmers.org/episode-4-marysol-valle-and-jeff-wiley-of-fat-frog-farm/




Texas, TXYFC