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MOSES Organic Farmer Mentor Program: Call for Participants

Posted: December 11 2010

Midwest Organic and Sustainable Education Service
This mentoring program links a new farmer with an experienced organic farmer, who are doing the same type of farming ( vegetables, dairy, crops, etc.) and provide an avenue for an exchange of information.  Farmers who have been farming for just a few years, or who are making the transition to organic agriculture are invited to apply for the MOSES Organic Farmer to Farmer Mentoring Program.   Mentors receive a small stipend in addition to these free registrations and mentees are asked to pay a fee.  Questions about the program can be answered by Harriet Behar, MOSES organic specialist, 888-551-4769 or [email protected] The deadline for 2011 applications is December 20, 2010. Detailed information and applications can be found here:  http://mosesorganic.org/mentoring.html


Education, Requests