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market presales >> online!

Posted: June 24 2008

Hey everyone -- I know farmers are busy readying the fields and planting, but since I know a lot of you participate in and support farmer's markets, I thought I would pass this along to the group.
Small Farm Central is offering a stand-alone service that helps farmers pre-sell goods to farmer's market customers online. This is a stream-lined and inexpensive way for farmers to get started with online sales and I think will really increase customer loyalty and experience. Farmers can get started for the 2008 market season at a cost of $185 for a full solution.
This includes inventory control, credit card processing (optional), and reporting that makes the picking and packing for individual orders an easy task.
There is more detailed information here: http://smallfarmcentral.com/market-preorders
Feel free to pass this along to market managers or anyone else who might be interested in the concept. It'd be great if a pro/con discussion sprung up about pre-selling farmer's market produce.

