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keeping you in the nyc urban farming loop

Posted: August 14 2009

The latest from our friends Annie & Ben at Rooftop Farms:
Greetings from the bridge between summer and fall! As tomato season begins, please remember to support our local organic farmers. Many of our upstate growers are looking at losing upwards of $30,000 this year in lost tomatoes and potatoes. Purchasing from them every week (or more) at your favorite market keeps them in business, and sustains our land, watershed and healthy food sources. Thank you from all of us farmers!
Now in our neck of the woods, here's what's on the farm table this week:
Sunday, August 16th
We are located at 44 Eagle Street.
* 10am-4pm. Visit our Farm Stand. Come early for tomatoes, edible flowers, herbs, and greens! Please help us stay packaging-free by bringing your own bags. Feel free to bring your compost-able food scraps from home to add to our bin.
* 9am-4pm. Volunteers welcome. We're transitioning from summer to fall, and are taking out and replanting many crops.
* 2pm Free Workshop. We're back, talking about your growing space and ours. Listen, ask, learn, troubleshoot!
In other news...
* Saturday, August 15th from noon 'til 5pm. La Finca del Sur, a beautiful community garden in the South Bronx, is having a party! Join our neighbors to the North while celebrating urban gardening spaces, with gorgeous crops, music & food.
* August 4-17th. The Waterpod is docked in Brooklyn! This Sunday, "Get your garden on!"
* Saturday, August 22nd, BK FARMYARDS is holding a fundraiser from 3pm-12pm at Compound Brooklyn.
* The Garden of Friends of Los Sures, a new community garden, is opening in South Williamsburg. [email protected] to get involved!
* Bushwick Farmers' Market. Neighbors: Bushwick has a farmer's market! Eat well by supporting them on Wednesdays.
* We're farmers on facebook! Be a fan of Rooftop Farms. Upload your photos and meet other urban greenthumbs.
We'll see you at the Farm Stand,
Annie N. & Ben F.

