job alert: maine land trust network - land trust coordinator

Job post:
The Land Trust Coordinator conserves riparian and upland properties in service of the Downeast Salmon Federation’s mission to restore Atlantic salmon and other sea-run fish species to the rivers of Downeast Maine. These responsibilities include designing and brokering the transactions necessary to conserve important riverine and upland habitat in Downeast Maine; raising land acquisition and conservation easement funds, managing our holdings to Land Trust Alliance accreditation standards, and raising the funds necessary to finance the Land Trust’s operational expenses.
- Be a regional leader educating and inspiring regional residents in the importance and benefits of land and river conservation
- Develop and cultivate relationships with all landowners from whom we hold conservation easements and lease agreements
- Works in teams with DSF Habitat Restoration and Fisheries staff and partners to improve the suitability of our properties to optimize ecological function
- Develop and cultivate relationships with landowners of high-priority lands
- Cultivate and steward funders via site visits, personal communication, and other outreach
- Identify and evaluate conservation opportunities; maintain a catalog of high priority lands
- Create and maintain a catalog of DSF’s land ownership in each of our priority watersheds
- Establish and maintain partnerships and productive relationships with state and federal agencies, non-governmental organizations, and academic institutions to identify and pursue innovative land and river conservation projects
- Complete the LTA accreditation process
- Supervises, trains those staff assigned to the DSF LT activities
- Monitor our current holdings per LTA accreditation specifications
- Coordinate volunteers to perform stewardship tasks
- Prepare and present Land Trust conservation, grant, and project reports for Board and committee meetings
- The ideal candidate will have a knowledge of aquatic ecosystems, riparian management, and community-based fisheries management
- At least three years of applicable experience in riparian ecology, fisheries biology, and/or land acquisition
- Experience in community relations and environmental stewardship
- Experience with conservation easements and property acquisitions
- Experience working with, or as part of, a non-profit organization
- Experience managing budgets and grants
Please submit a cover letter and resume to: [email protected] with Land Trust Coordinator in the subject line.