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interested in entomology?

Posted: August 3 2011

"Garden Insects: The Good, the Bad, and the Beautiful" presented by Diane Matthews-Gehringer, B.S. & M.S. Entomology
Saturday, August 6th, 9am to 11:30am at Skoloff Valley Farm in Susquehanna County, PA.
In this workshop we will become familiar with the insects that are commonly found in our eastern Pennsylvania gardens, learning about their life cycles, what they eat, who they eat, how to safely manage or discourage the “bad”, encourage the “good”, and admire the “beautiful”.
Presented by Diane Matthews-Gehringer , B.S. and M.S. Entomology
Diane has been gardening for over 30 years. Her work experience includes 17 years on the staff of the Horticulture department at the Rodale Institute, concentrating on cool weather season extenders and coldframes, organic pest management and enhancing garden and orchard habitats for beneficial insects. She currently gardens and farms with her husband and family near New Smithville, PA.
RSVP to Stephanie Roberts at (570) 727-3046 or [email protected]
Skoloff Valley Farm
1944 Stevens Point Rd,
Susquehanna, PA 18847


Classes + Workshops

