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how to homestead

Posted: August 13 2009

howtohomestead.org has an amusing collection of (actually useful) videos on everything from kombucha to humanure.  worth a look.  They're also accepting submissions...

[vodpod id=Groupvideo.3189308&w=425&h=350&fv=]

more about "» Kombucha and You", posted with vodpod

How to Homestead
We fancy ourselves the only site on the web providing you with a collection of unique how to homestead videos to stream or download. No longer relegated to the rural sphere, homesteading can be done anywhere and we are here to show you how.
We are currently seeking short videos (under 5 minutes) about homesteaders. Whether in the city, in the ‘burbs, off-the-grid or somewhere in between we want to feature portraits of the folks who are doing it.
Submission procedure: Please post your submission on youtube and send us the link by September 1, 2009. If your submission is selected we will screen it as part of our How to Homestead screening series in the Fall 2009 season. Decisions will be made by September 10, 2009; if you are selected you must send us a mini-dv copy of your piece for the screenings by September 15, 2009. A small honorarium is awarded to each selected filmmaker.

