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Posted: April 2 2011
You may have heard by now, ATTRA, the National Sustainable Information Service, has been caught up in the budget cuts going on in Congress, and its funding was eliminated in the latest short term government funding bill.  This cut was not because ATTRA is not a vital and efficient program, but because ATTRA has been mistakenly identified as an “earmark.”  We believe there is time to quickly fix this error and restore funding to ATTRA in the next bill to fund government through the rest of FY 2011.
If you live in California, here is how you can help: take a moment and call Senator Boxer's office at (202) 224-3553 and Senator Dianne Feinstein's office (202) 224-3841 and remind them that ATTRA was incorrectly targeted as an earmark in the last short term government funding bill.  Then, ask them to restore full funding for ATTRA in the next FY 2011 funding bill.
For folks NOT living in CA: Call your representative in the House, and ask them to restore funding for ATTRA.  You can easily find contact information for your representative at  http://www.house.gov/house/MemberWWW_by_State.shtml Click on your state, then click on your representative for contact information.

