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grazing top ten - from jim gerrish

Posted: November 8 2011

Jim's Top Ten Links

The BEHAVE project
Many visitors will recognize the name of Dr. Fred Provenza from Utah State University. This is where you can hook up with Fred and his many colleagues studying and teaching a holistic approach to human and natural resource management.
BEEF magazine
Jim is a contributing editor for BEEF with a regular column, The Grazier's Corner. A good all around source for news and information for the livestock industry.
American Forage and Grassland Council
This is the national organization for forage-based agriculture in the humid US and Canada. An excellent national conference and publication with links to many state affiliates. Good science-based information for management.
Society for Range Management
The rangeland counterpart to AFGC. Links to Journal of Range Management and numerous other science-based information sources.
The Stockman GrassFarmer magazine
The only publication in the US dedicated to Management-intensive Grazing and pasture-based agriculture. Includes a monthly column by Jim: 'Grassroots of Grazing'. Sponsor of numerous workshops featuring Jim and other leading pasture-based experts.
Jo Robinson's website
The best umbrella website for the information on the health implications of the pasture-based diet and sources for healthy food from all over the US. Healthy food supplier links for every state.
The Forage Information System
Another excellent science-based information source for many aspects of forages. Many links to universities, industry, and other resources for pasture-based agriculture.
The University of Missouri-Forage Systems Research Center
This where I spent over 22 years of my professional career. Use the research and archived news links for many references that form the foundation of MiG principles.
National Agricultural Library search engine
You want to find the original scientific reference for something? This is where you go.
Pharo Cattle Company 
Your source for outside-the-box beef genetics and lots of other information on profitable ranching

