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Fall Festival THIS SATURDAY at WOW Farm

Posted: October 25 2008


Come on down to the Fall Festival this Saturday,
October 25th at WOW farm, located at 537 Lewis St.  Join us in
celebrating the harvest season and all the City Slicker Farms'
participants, volunteer and supporters.  There will be a BBQ, art
projects, street theater, a raffle, and pie!  We'll have plenty of
food, but please feel free to bring your favorite autumn dish and
recipe to share.  We can't wait to see you there!
Rock Paper Scissors Food Justice Show Nov 1st
-On November 1st there will be an art show on the theme of food
justice at the Rock Paper Scissors collective.  Included in the show
will be pictures taken by City Slicker Farms' Backyard Gardeners who
participated in a community photography class over the past several
months.  The RPS Food Justice show is part of Oakland's First Fridays
Art Walk, a great chance to check out local Oakland artists.  Please
join us at Rock Paper Scissors, located at 2278 Telegraph Ave. in
Oakland, from 7-9pm.
Support City Slicker Farms at the West Oakland Project Area Committee
(WOPAC) Meeting
Nov 5, 6pm – 8pm, at Willie Keyes Recreation Center
-City Slicker Farms recently applied for funding through the West
Oakland Neighborhood Project Initiative Program to fix up
infrastructure at some our our garden sites.  This meeting is an
opportunity for West Oakland residents to speak to what projects they
think should be funded.   If you are interested in speaking on behalf
on City Slicker Farms, please contact Barbara in our office.
Parkway Fundraiser Nov 11th
-Don't forget to come out and see "Bottle Rocket" at the Parkway
Speakeasy, located at 1834 Park Boulevard in Oakland, at 9:15 on
November 11th.  Tickets are $7 and $2 of each ticket goes to support
City Slicker Farms!  21+
We are hiring interns
-City Slicker Farms is hiring unpaid Urban Farming Interns.  Interns
work at least 8 hours per week in our Community Market Farms for a
minimum of four months.  No prior farming experience is necessary, and
it is possible to receive school credit for internships.  For more
information please contact us.
Sublet available in the CSF apprentice house
-There will be a room open in November and December in the house
shared by our apprentices.  The house is very close to the West
Oakland BART station, and rent is $400 a month.  If you are interested
please contact Barbara in our office.
In the news:
-Check out this short documentary on City Slicker Farms made by
students at Expressions College in Emeryville:
-We were also featured in this Alternet article about the potential of
urban agriculture:
Some great educational opportunities for urban gardeners:
-Alameda County Master Gardeners present their Fall and Winter
Gardening Seminar on Saturday, October 25, at Merritt College.  This
all-day series of workshops features several well known Bay Area
gardening experts and a range of topics including water conservation,
sustainability, gardening with natives, and food production.  City
Slicker Farms' founder, Willow Rosenthal, will be leading a workshop
at this seminar.  For more
information and a registration form go to
http://groups.ucanr.org/ACMG/ or call
510 639-1366.
Workshop on Land Access for Urban Agriculture Nov 15th
-The California Food and Justice Coalition is organizing this day of
information, sharing and discussion on how we can secure land for food
production to increase access to healthy food for all, including
low-income/food stamp eligible communities.  The workshop is co-hosted
by Oakland Food Connection, OBUGS, People's Grocery, Alemany Farm,
Urban Tilth, SF Victory Gardens, Hope Collaborative, City Slickers
Farm, Farm Link, Mo Better Food & Full Circle Farm.  It will be held
all day on November 15th in Oakland, for more information visit
Growing affordable fresh produce for West Oakland
1724 Mandela Parkway, Suite 5
Oakland, CA 94607
Tuesday-Friday 10:00am - 6:00pm
--Backyard Garden Program (free gardens for low-income West Oakland
--Community Market Farms Program (including Community Farm Stands &
Compost Pickup Program)
--Urban Farming Education Program (Workshop Series, K-College school
group urban farm visits)
For our field schedule and farm locations, please visit our website.

