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CSA farmer needed!

Posted: December 11 2011

Wassaic Community Farm is a fourth year food justice project looking for a second full time farmer to join our team for the 2012 season starting in February or March until November. We are located in the Harlem Valley adjacent to the last stop on the Metro-north train to NYC, a bicycle path and miles of woodland and state park.
We have a 20 member vegtable CSA program on an acre and a half with room to expand. We have been running stands at four farmer's markets locally and in the South Bronx with our medicinal herbs. We are looking for folks with a passion for farming, food justice issues, herbal medicine and at lease on year of CSA farming experience, spanish speaker a plus.
We are offering a free sunny room in our fully renovated art barn, shared kitchen and bathroom space with 5 food ju stice activists. It includes a swimming pond and a small fruit orchard. All food needs are covered by the farm food budget and all farm income after expenses will be split with the other full time farmer as a stipend. We are well connected and have many alliances in teh farm and food justice community in southern New York, we work with a youth program from a local community center and participate in a food justice veggie oil bus project. Please contact Ben at [email protected] or call at 8668232584