help wanted on draft-powered farm in saratoga springs
Featherbed Lane Farm, a full year and daft horse-powered CSA, is seeking a farm assistant for 2017.
more reasons why bees are awesome
New research demonstrates bees pack more smarts into their tiny little brains than we thought.
internship this summer in farmland conservation in greenwich, ny
Intern with the Agricultural Stewardship this summer and gain skills in education, nonprofit project management, and farmland conservation.
the incredible american-made, open source, radically accessible, and utterly adaptable tractor
The Oggún company created an innovative business model to build the perfect tractor-- and to make it affordable to small farmers everywhere.
island farm oasis in the middle of NYC
What can rural farmers and suburban schools learn from New York City's educational urban farms?
PSA: go outside: it's foraging season
Our friends at Kiss the Ground give us some sweet inspiration to get outside and find wild edibles and medicinals.
go rogue: join the farm corps
RFC Chapter Coordinator, Katy Giomboini explains what inspires her about the Rogue Farm Corps training model.
medicine poem-pep talk
Spoken word poet and radical self-love activist Sonya Renee Taylor gives us wisdom, first like a shot to the arm and then like a life-saving transfusion.
be a delegate at slow food nations
Registration is now open for delegates who would like to represent their regions at the Slow Food Nations summit in Denver July 14-16, 2017.
"ditching NAFTA" may hurt american farmers, but which ones?
This NPR report suggests that leaving NAFT could hurt American farmers, but we wonder if it could actually help small-scale agriculture.
praise be the tree
Have you taken any time today to think about how great trees are? Andy Lipkis of Tree People in Los Angeles is on Kiss the Ground to right that wrong.
learn to farm in faith at the parish school in norwood, oh
Applications being accepted now for Parish Farming School in Norwood, OH. All who are interested in the intersection of urban farming, food and faith are invited to submit an application […]
accelerating appalachia today on GH radio
Accelerating Appalachia is a "word HUB for sustainable business," providing training to, coordinate mentorship for, and encourage financial investment in organizations who are "solving big problems with their business models." […]
biodynamics in idaho on greenhorns radio this week
Miles Teitge is a young biodynamic farmer and educator, and he speaks to why young farmers and sustainable farming should move to Idaho.
in defense of hydroponics
The latest post in our ongoing discussion about the inclusion of hydroponics in the National Organic Production standards comes from Helen Lee, a sustainability specialist, consulting and promoting local and sustainable businesses who […]
full scholarships for mediation training in the nys agricultural mediation program
The NYS Agricultural Mediation Program is offering scholarships for mediation training to folks rooted in rural agrarian communities.
emergency day of action against DAPL
The Sacred Stones Camp at Standing Rock has put out the call for immediate emergency action to stop the drilling below the Missouri River for the Dakota Access Pipeline after […]
learn to farm on an island in washington
The Organic Farm School offers 8-month long experiential farmer training-- they offer need-based scholarships and are still accepting applicants for 2017.
supporting black and brown farmers: NC's earthseed land cooperative is doing beautiful transformative work in their community, and they need our help
Support Earthseed Land Cooperative: a group of young black and brown agrarians who are on a mission to create community resilience through cooperative ownership of land and resources.
new farmers almanac III release feb 14: preorder while supplies last!
Preorder your copy of the Vol III of New Farmer's Almanac: The Commons for its February 14th release. Because revolution smells way better than imported conventional roses.
inspiring apprenticeship model on common hands farm philmont, ny
A great experience for the inspiring biodynamic farmer, a good apprenticeship model for the rest of us.
help wanted on cut-flower farm in bovina, ny
Treadlight Farm, established in 2015, grows specialty cut flowers on one acre in the hills of Delaware County, 6 miles outside of Bovina, NY. We sell our flowers at farmers […]
certificate program in organic ag from the rodale institute in the mid-atlantic
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G9XXRZbeEek&w=560&h=315] Looking for a well-rounded training in organic farming? Have military service? The Rodale Institue and the Delware Valley University partner together to create a 36-credit certificate program in […]
show the country that farmer's count!
Greenhorns! It's no secret that the National Young Farmers Coalition goes to Herculean efforts for young farmers across the country, from fighting lobbyists from big ag to make sure the […]
Friends, it's clear to us that the activism bug is sweeping the nation. Suddenly even my once-apolitical mother is calling her senators every day. It's beautiful, and it's important. On […]
perennial farm gathering, feb 11, Grayslake, Illinois
The Savannah Institute, an Illinois organization whose goal is to promote production-scale agroforestry throughout the midwest (we love it!), cordially invites you to their Perennial Farm Gathering: February 11th at Byron Colby […]
the radically pragmatic idea of biomicry
The folks at Kiss the Ground give us a lesson in biomimicry, an extraordinarily useful concept which can basically be summed up to "don't waste time reinventing the wheel."
mountain west seed summit, santa fe, nm, march 3-4
Mountain West Seed Summit "Honoring Origins and Seeding the Future" March 3 – 4, 2017 Santa Fe, New Mexico – Hotel Santa Fe Join Seed Stewards from the Mountain West and beyond […]
this is what it looks like when MONSANTO rents the state house in Iowa
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b4VKOPfKz1w] And this is what happens when activists like our hero Reverend Billy refuse to stand by silently. Brought to you by Occupy the World Food Prize, a response […]
food system fellowship in virginia
Growing Food, Building Community AMI Fellowship Program: 2017 Applications Available Allegheny Mountain Institute (AMI) is seeking inspiring individuals to participate in the sixth cohort of our AMI Fellowship program. The […]
"bee" kind to pollinators!
Amazing facts and ways to protect the world's pollinators.
new michael keaton film features the evolution of macdonalds
In the spirit of the old adage: If you can't beat 'em... learn everything about 'em that you possibly can so that you can beat 'em later.
ballymoe litfest, ireland, may 19-21
Festival of food and drink takes place in Ballymoe, Ireland this coming May.
evolution of organic premiers at ecofarm conference, jan. 27
See a special sneak-preview of this inspiring new documentary at the EcoFarm Conference on January 27. Spoiler: Sev and the Greenhorns make a cameo.
tomorrow on greenhorns radio! jeff conan on the devasting effects of palm oil production
Tomorrow January 25th on the Heritage Radio Network, Greenhorns radio talks to Jeff Conan, Senior Forest Campains Manager at Friends of the Earth, a global activist network that campaigns for international […]
get your microbiome on
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7lCThLc66z8&w=560&h=315] In this video, Erin McMorrow brings us down to the microscopic to explore the billions of microbes inside our body that make up our micro biome. Learn more about […]
spirited music! legendary gawker family band at mettabee farm in hillsdale, jan. 27
Looking for a way to keep moral up and marching after yesterday's historic marches? Hudson Valley folks will have a great opportunity next weekend. Friday, January 27, 2017, from 7:00pm 9:00pm the Gawler Family […]
quivira coalition seeks coordinator for their beloved new agrarian program
The Quivira Coalition, a Santa Fe-based nonprofit that builds resilience by fostering ecological, economic and social health on Western landscapes, seeks a coordinator for their New Agrarian Program (NAP). Now, we […]
speaking your truth: in honor of every human being marching in the women's march tomorrow
Audre Lorde for the win!
health care and young farmers
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dthAUBasLWM] We are so grateful to Shoshana Inwood, an assistant professor at UVM, for drawing attention to the struggles that young farmers face when it comes to procuring health […]