rerural: notes on engaging with our towns
In a time of heated rhetoric and disillusion how do we find ways to participate and join in with the communities and rural populations that we are moving to?
accelerating appalachia today on GH radio
Accelerating Appalachia is a "word HUB for sustainable business," providing training to, coordinate mentorship for, and encourage financial investment in organizations who are "solving big problems with their business models." […]
biodynamics in idaho on greenhorns radio this week
Miles Teitge is a young biodynamic farmer and educator, and he speaks to why young farmers and sustainable farming should move to Idaho.
know your abattoir: there's a shortage of local slaughterhouses, and it's kind of a big problem
There's a bottleneck problem in sustainable meat: increasingly more producers and consumers and fewer slaughterhouses equipped to get meat from one to the other.
know your chocolate: a resurgence in small cacao farms in Costa Rica
Seed saving and small scale cacao farming in Costa Rica.
sf bay area: celebrate black farmers with a night of films
Celebrate the history of black farmers in the US and abroad with a night of films in Oakland, CA.
in defense of hydroponics
The latest post in our ongoing discussion about the inclusion of hydroponics in the National Organic Production standards comes from Helen Lee, a sustainability specialist, consulting and promoting local and sustainable businesses who […]
erotic farm fiction
A little preview of Artemisia Rae's farmer life inspired, erotic romance novel.
read a book: agee and walker's "rediscovered masterpiece"
"Let Us Now Praise Famous Men" may be a classic, but James Agee and Walker Evans' "Cotton Tenants" is also well worth a read.
another side to alan kapuler
Famous seed breeder Alan Kapuler is also an artist!
fictional playbooks for totalitarian dystopia
Scarier than fiction - A look at protest posters and resistance art that draw from literature.
occupied territory farmers tell their needs
Delegation from farm and peasant organizations in Spain meet with rural Palestinians to discuss their needs and ongoing resistance to political, economic, and social repression.
the seed underground
Join author and activist Janisse Ray on a tour through the world of seed saving in here latest book on farming, seeds, and the movement to preserve genetic diversity.
"bee" kind to pollinators!
Amazing facts and ways to protect the world's pollinators.
new michael keaton film features the evolution of macdonalds
In the spirit of the old adage: If you can't beat 'em... learn everything about 'em that you possibly can so that you can beat 'em later.
ballymoe litfest, ireland, may 19-21
Festival of food and drink takes place in Ballymoe, Ireland this coming May.
living art in Pennsylvania
trans-historical residency and artist collective is looking for folks to join them this year.
evolution of organic premiers at ecofarm conference, jan. 27
See a special sneak-preview of this inspiring new documentary at the EcoFarm Conference on January 27. Spoiler: Sev and the Greenhorns make a cameo.
tomorrow on greenhorns radio! jeff conan on the devasting effects of palm oil production
Tomorrow January 25th on the Heritage Radio Network, Greenhorns radio talks to Jeff Conan, Senior Forest Campains Manager at Friends of the Earth, a global activist network that campaigns for international […]
raising hell(gate) in urban farming
Throughout its seven years, Hellgate Farm has always done things a bit differently than other urban farms in New York City- from raising backyard chickens and housing an apiary, to […]
call for submissions from the rural
Call for short films highlighting under-represented stories from around the world.
"hydroponics is not organic — it’s not even agriculture"
Last week we asked the Greenhorns network what you think about the vertical farm. A perennially contentious idea, are hydroponics the way to the future or are they a hackneyed […]
speaking your truth: in honor of every human being marching in the women's march tomorrow
Audre Lorde for the win!
resistance of the heart against business as usual
We are cultivated by the land. Thoughts on the daily act of farming.
keep saying "no" to roundup!
A new study shows that Roundup can cause a serious liver disease and other longterm health issues.
health care and young farmers
[youtube] We are so grateful to Shoshana Inwood, an assistant professor at UVM, for drawing attention to the struggles that young farmers face when it comes to procuring health […]
blog and podcast focused on women in agriculture
Interviews, coloring books, stories, and thoughts from female farmers across the globe.
man writes the NYT advice column in a panic that his son want might volunteer on an organic farm
This one here is a good laugh for all of us who may or may not be the black sheep of the family. (My grandma clipped the above cartoon out of […]
organic grains and innovation on GH radio
Listen to the podcast here! Ben Dobson grew up in Hillsdale, New York, on a small organic farm and started his first agricultural business in 2001. After two years on […]
walden today might have thoreau turning in his grave
The little pond the keeps on giving, what we can learn about climate change from Walden 163 years after Thoreau.
industrial vs. regenerative farming
The case for regenerative farming over industrial farming.
talking about transitions
Inspiring and thoughtful video lectures from the second 'Our Land' symposium in Sante Fe and Albuquerque.
schlepping in style
Anchorpac is making some nice looking Made in Maine shoulder bags.
dogfish: a shark for breakfast?
NPR's The Salt on why dogfish, a shark that is plentiful off the coast of New England, is primarily exported to Europe for consumption while Americans import 90% of the fish they consume.
magic molly, fedco's badass super farmer
Fighting corporate tyranny and planting the seeds of freedom, we're so grateful to Fedco for giving us this badass superhero on their 2017 seed catalogue cover.
how the wolves saved yellowstone: a lesson in keystone species
A lesson in keystone species and biodiversity. When wolves are reintroduced to Yellowstone, incredible changes occur.
radio interview with draft-horse vegetable farmer
A brief but thought-provoking interview with David Fisher and Anna Maclay of Natural Roots Farm in Conway, MA.
our new favorite greeting cards
We love these female-farmer inspired greeting cards, and we love that a portion of proceeds go to support more women in agriculture.
big thoughts Small farmers movements and defending subsistence both depend on a new worldview. We can't think in a mechanical rational way and personally relate to nature. We also can't patriarchy and capitalism and […]
hospital plus farm
This seems like a combo we could use more of: according to Ecowatch, "this hospital prescribes fresh food from its own organic farm." The reporting in the linked article accurately […]