the food shortage lie
The Food Revolution and the War for Our Minds BY JONATHAN R. LATHAM, Rural America In These Times By conventional wisdom it was excellent news. Researchers at Iowa State University […]
the west coast grange wars
On one hand you have an established order that, while quick to conjure its Populist origins, appears threatened by the kind of grassroots change it once championed. On the other, […]
do farmer's want to be sexy?
photo credit: Donagh Heffernan/ Irish Farmer Calendar How Do Real Farmer's Feel About Their Industry Being Sexed Up? By Lori Rotenberk, Grist, 4 Jun 2015 Donagh Heffernan was living his life, running […]
old timey
i'd like to start my day off without helping monsanto
[youtube] Neil Young is slowly leaking performances of tracks off of his upcoming album “The Monsanto Years”. It is a protest album against Monsanto and GMO’s. This particular song […]
sidebar about sea urchins by janelle orsi, our lovely lawyer
A commons cannot survive within conventional structures, which are highly permeable and designed for ease of buying, selling, and profit-maximization […] How do we structure commons governance to prevent corruptions, […]
west marin review now accepting submissions
The West Marin Review is a Point Reyes Station, California-based literary journal produced collaboratively by a team of volunteers. You can read their submission guidelines here.
last week tonight with john oliver uses footage from "the sharecroppers"
Our friend Jonathan Shepard is a documentary film maker who is the mastermind behind "The Sharecroppers." Recently, Last Week Tonight with John Oliver borrowed some of his chicken footage for […]
usda develops label to verify "gmo free"
WASHINGTON (AP) — The Agriculture Department has developed a new government certification and labeling for foods that are free of genetically modified ingredients. USDA's move comes as some consumer groups […]
the joy of slow computing
Well-meaning people have, for a good many years now, been forming a “consciousness” about where their food comes from, who produces it, and how. This gets tedious. But it’s also […]
"we are beginning to see the power of food as an issue"
Mark Bittman's article in the New York Times, Nov. 25, 2014. There are four basic ways to change the food system. I talk about three of them a lot: The […]
greenhorns report on the national ffa convention
Greenhorns, in partnership with Organic Consumers Association were in attendance last month at the national gathering of the FFA. The FFA National Convention in Louisville, Kentucky, saw a sea of 60,000 students representing every nook and cranny of America (and its territories) gathered together for fellowship, belonging, education and scholarly competition. Between the ages of 13 and 18, many of these students are next-in-line to the family farm and occupy a strategically powerful position in the future of American Agriculture; they are kids with land. With a self-confidence rarely seen in teenagers and impeccable public speaking skills, these students in their blue corduroy jackets cut quite the impressive figure, particularly in a stadium context.
They are team-spirited, motivated and articulate, and most of them credit these qualities to the organization that brought them together, the FFA. The FFA is turning these next-in-line farmers, agriscientists, ag teachers and farm sympathizers into successful leaders, fierce entrepreneurs, and good Samaritans...for Big Ag.
This polished youth constituency at the FFA sing the praises, almost exclusively, of Big Ag. How did this happen? Lets start with the obvious place; let’s follow the money.
two hour special on young farmers
from KWMR in partnership with the Post Carbon Institute. KWMR 2-Hour Special: Leaders of the Young Agrarian Movement Facing the Future Monday, Nov. 10th - 12pm to 2pm (Pacific Time) […]
greenhorns featured on michael olson's radio show, mentioned on wisconsin public radio!
Lauren Markham, author of The New Farmers, an article in Orion Magazine, recently spoke on Wisconsin Public Radio about the young farmer movement. Have a listen, she gives the Greenhorns […]
audio from the techno utopia conference is now available online
45 LEADING SCHOLARS, AUTHORS AND ACTIVISTS (including our own Severine von Tscharner-Fleming) convened at The Great Hall of Cooper Union, New York City, for a public “TEACH-IN” on the profound impacts—environmental, […]
leviathan: a groundfishing documentary for the senses
Leviathan is a documentary — and yet not a documentary. It's a near-wordless, almost abstract depiction of an 80-foot groundfishing boat heading out of New Bedford, Mass. The film's unusual […]
belo horizonte, brazil: the city that beat hunger
From the World Future Council
new study: huge increase in us chronic diseases linked to glyphosate herbicides
A huge increase in the incidence and prevalence of chronic diseases has been reported in the United States (US) over the last 20 years. Similar increases have been seen globally. […]
schumacher lectures online + upcoming!
Use this amazing resource! The Annual E. F. Schumacher Lectures (listed below) include some of the foremost voices on a new economics. Hildegarde Hannum is the editor of nearly all […]
call for articles: farming matters
Deadline: 1 December 2014. Farming Matters As a south Indian farmer said, “soil is the mother of agriculture, the mother of life”. And 2015 is the International Year of Soils. So […]
faith & fears in wendell berry's kentucky
via Grist Faith and fears in Wendell Berry’s Kentucky By Darby Minow Smith Wendell Berry’s mind is preoccupied with four dead sheep. I join the 80-year-old food movement sage for a […]
techno-utopia reading list!
Annual E. F. Schumacher Lectures: Cold Evil: Technology and Modern Ethics by Andrew Kimbrell Buddhist Technology: Bringing a New Consciousness to Our Technological Future by Arthur Zajonc The Community's Role in Appropriate […]
greenhorns and cycle farm, among others fantastic farmers, featured in orion article "the new farmers"
November/December Orion Magazine Article Today’s green movement is considered by some Millennials and Gen Xers to be an equivalent to the Civil Rights struggle—the organizing principal propelling young people into […]
cotton: for 60 years our biggest export
powered by stolen bodies. Sharifa Rhodes-Pitts addresses the connection between today's violence against black men, and the theft of their ancestors to power our economy: The Worth of Black Men, […]
saint organic: coach mark smallwood
Over the last 14 days, Mark Smallwood has been on a walk. A walk that will hopefully change the way that we look a climate change and think about how we […]
abandoned orchard revival! a cooperative venture
[vimeo] Though this video is set in Germany, the same situations exist across North America. Learning how to care for these old trees is not only a valuable skill […]
why microbes matter... in claymation
This informative claymation explains how important microbes are in the marine environment and how they help keep the planet balanced and healthy!
ag thriller "runoff" begins screening soon!
A woman is struggling to keep her family in tact as the banks try to foreclose on her property. Someone makes her an illegal proposition that could help her keep […]
creative arts + agriculture
Last month in Greensboro, NC, Art-Force and the National Rural Assembly hosted Cross Currents, a convening of artists-artisans-designers, rural leaders and advocates, elected and agency representatives, CSAs and CDCs, food producers […]
ever wonder how to quickly mulch a LOT of trees?
Our pal Grant Schultz over at Versaland has come up with this idea for mulching: use a French hay rake and throw it up against your tree (nestled in tree […]
awesome storytelling platform!
Ensia is a magazine showcasing environmental solutions in action. Powered by the Institute on the Environment at the University of Minnesota, we connect people with ideas, information and inspiration they […]
more on trade deals & GM standards
The European Union is negotiating the potential future of British agriculture with American corporations, developing deals that, unless tempered, could possibly threaten UK sovereignty by Samantha Lyster for Fresh Produce […]
here's what happens when a billionaire buys an island as a "hobby"
A fascinating read in the New York Times Magazine. Larry Ellison Bought an Island in Hawaii. Now What? By JON MOOALLEM; SEPT. 23, 2014 Henry Jolicoeur is a retired French Canadian […]
ourland is on youtube; watch the web series! You can find the Y0uTube channel HERE or you can visit the OurLand website HERE! Be sure to watch them all!
the rowdy and articulate english
Great words from the Land Workers Alliance (LWA)!
maine sail freight goes public!
Meet: Severine von Tscharner Fleming of Sail Freight Maine She wants to borrow your boat, but it’s all about farming. by Mary Pols for the Portland Press Herald Severine von […]
growing local
Growing Local, a new film series by Seedlight Pictures and Maine Farmland Trust, will premiere during the Camden International Film Festival on Sunday, September 28th. The screening will start at […]