xtreme farming
Maybe you thought your inclines were intense. These guys are my new heroes. Watching this video as a farmer is a little like watching the Tour de France as a […]
last week tonight with john oliver uses footage from "the sharecroppers"
Our friend Jonathan Shepard is a documentary film maker who is the mastermind behind "The Sharecroppers." Recently, Last Week Tonight with John Oliver borrowed some of his chicken footage for […]
leviathan: a groundfishing documentary for the senses
Leviathan is a documentary — and yet not a documentary. It's a near-wordless, almost abstract depiction of an 80-foot groundfishing boat heading out of New Bedford, Mass. The film's unusual […]
belo horizonte, brazil: the city that beat hunger
From the World Future Council
abandoned orchard revival! a cooperative venture
[vimeo] Though this video is set in Germany, the same situations exist across North America. Learning how to care for these old trees is not only a valuable skill […]
why microbes matter... in claymation
This informative claymation explains how important microbes are in the marine environment and how they help keep the planet balanced and healthy!
ag thriller "runoff" begins screening soon!
A woman is struggling to keep her family in tact as the banks try to foreclose on her property. Someone makes her an illegal proposition that could help her keep […]
ever wonder how to quickly mulch a LOT of trees?
Our pal Grant Schultz over at Versaland has come up with this idea for mulching: use a French hay rake and throw it up against your tree (nestled in tree […]
ourland is on youtube; watch the web series! You can find the Y0uTube channel HERE or you can visit the OurLand website HERE! Be sure to watch them all!
the rowdy and articulate english
Great words from the Land Workers Alliance (LWA)!
growing local
Growing Local, a new film series by Seedlight Pictures and Maine Farmland Trust, will premiere during the Camden International Film Festival on Sunday, September 28th. The screening will start at […]
have you heard of natalie jeremijenko?
If not, you had better check her out. She's an artist, engineer and inventor for the environmental movement. Take a gander at the video below and if you want to […]
a calling out of the farm bureau's "right to farm" proposal
Nearly every state has a "Right to Farm" act, which basically protects farmers from nuisance lawsuits like when your cows moo and it's too loud for your vacation-home neighbors to […]
movie: seeds of time
Cary Fowler is a man with a mission. A mission that is about securing the foundation of nothing less than earth's survival in the form of the world's smallest currency: […]
watch the farm aid concert live from home!
Watch the Concert Live! If you're not joining us in Raleigh this year, you can still help celebrate from home. Watch live in HD on AXS TV starting at 7pm […]
wonderful films for high agrarian morale
[vimeo 102083561 w=500 h=281] more short films here
bookmark for winter: alan savory videos! (think holistic management)
Click HERE to watch the videos! The Savory Institute's Annual International Conference, was held in London on August 1st and 2nd. This central location allows our partners and collaborators from […]
weed dating!
speed dating while weeding = weed dating! check out this video about weed dating at Common Ground Country Fair in Maine. [vimeo 50341101 w=500 h=281] IN DEFENSE OF FEET is a journal of […]
aspects of land reform in scotland
Meet the powerful - and usually very private - people who own much of Scotland. Reporter David Miller goes in search of Scotland's landowners and asks whether it's fair that […]
manual and youtube channel on good agricultural practices (GAP)
This manual provides real-world examples of how small, diversified farms can cost-effectively manage food safety risk, and meet the standards set in the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) […]
artistic advocacy for prison reform
What do milk and jails have to do with each other? Check out this short video to find out!
video on agroforestry fundamentals: a must watch for all
A Swiss-born man named Ernst Gotsch has spent the past 30 years developing an agroforestry system based on the natural succession of species and soil improvement in Brazil. He has […]
H2 worker
An important film on farm worker exploitation, released in 1990. H2 Worker Directed by Stephanie Black, 1990 Winner of the Grand Jury prize at the Sundance Film Festival, H-2 WORKER […]
the best ever speech on creativity.
What makes one company, person (or even farm!) more creative than the next? This is an amazing speech on creativity given by John Cleese (of Monty Python) that will help […]
growing green in the bronx
[ted id=1530] A whirlwind of energy and ideas, Stephen Ritz is a teacher in New York's tough South Bronx, where he and his kids grow lush gardens for food, greenery […]
inglorious fruits and vegetables! an amazing french model to follow
america has a koch problem: movie parties
On Saturday, June 28, and Sunday, June 29, thousands of MoveOn members will gather in living rooms nationwide for America Has a Koch Problem movie parties. They'll watch Koch Brothers Exposed: 2014 […]
slow is fast book & dvd In September 2012, Dan Malloy, Kanoa Zimmerman and Kellen Keene rode bikes down the California coast hoping to see their home state in a new slower-paced light -- surfing, […]
help get growing cities on pbs!
The film has been accepted by American Public Television, but the filmmakers have to fund its broadcast. Please check out their Kickstarter and consider supporting this inspiring film. The basics: […]
swoon: submerged motherlands
Brooklyn-based artist Swoon celebrates everyday people and explores social and environmental issues with her signature paper portraits and figurative installations. She is best known for her large, intricately-cut prints wheat […]
amazing film about the consequences of antibiotic resistance!
video: everyone deserves access
[vimeo] "We know that a lot of things contribute to poor nutrition and obesity but access is a key issue," says Dr. Giridhar Mallya of the Philadelphia Department of […]
organic rising
another new film... Organic Rising. [vimeo 87896825 w=500 h=281] Today’s food crisis is the civil rights movement of our time. As Americans slowly awaken to the shocking realities of our […]
the permaculture orchard: beyond organic is available for download on june 1st!
Click here to download this video on June 1st! The orchard can be a magical place; endless acres of peaches, pears, or apples in gorgeous bloom by the […]
foraging ahead: a nice video from sesquatchie cove farm
Sequatchie Cove Farm is a family-run farm in Tennessee's Sequatchie Valley. Four generations of Keeners live in the Cove. They have succeeded in creating a culture of food that puts […]