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can i still fill out the online census?

Posted: May 27 2008

Severine emails with the USDA's National Agriculture Statistics Service (NASS), about her missing census mail survey and related protocols.

Severine: How do you address the under reporting of certain farming demographics, such as nomadic and young famers?
NASS: Thank you for contacting the National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS). Although the statistical methodology for the 2007 Census is somewhat different you may want to review the statistical methodology used for the previous Census which may be found at the following link: http://www.agcensus.usda.gov/Publications/2002/Volume_1,_Chapter_1_US/us2appxc.pdf.
We are no longer mailing out forms for the Census due to the time frame. Please provide us with your address and if we determine you were on the mailing list we would be able to provide you with your Census ID so you could complete it online.
We look forward to hearing from you.  Please contact us if we may be of any further assistance.
Severine: Yes.  Thank you for your reply.  I don't think I am on your mailing list, and indeed I'm wondering how one gets on your mailing list.  How do you select the farmers to be surveyed if they are small farmers and not getting any payments or loans from the USDA?
NASS: We try to have every segment of farming represented when we do surveys. However, the census is suppose to be mailed to every farmer in the United States. We used many resources to identify farmers and made a massive effort to particularly reach small and minority farmers for the 2007 Census of Agriculture. We used lists from other USDA agencies, farming associations, publications, etc.
If you provide us with your address we will contact your NASS field office and have you added to the list. Participating in our surveys is your opportunity to have your voice heard and gives you the power to influence key decisions that will shape the direction of American agriculture for years to come.
Have a great day.


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