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BERNIE for "community ownership of farmland" !

Posted: February 5 2020

Bernie Sanders on REVITALIZING RURAL AMERICA, an issue near and dear to the hearts of Greenhorns far and wide:

"Fundamental change in America’s agricultural and rural policies is no longer just an option; it’s an absolute necessity. With the right support and policies, we can have rural communities that are thriving economically and ecologically."

Major policy developments are being called for on three fronts: (1) Policies Leveling the Playing Field for Farmers and Farmworkers, (2) Policies to Empower Farmers, Foresters & Ranchers to Address Climate Change and Protect Ecosystems, and (3) Policies to Foster Investment to Revitalize Rural Communities. Yes, yes and yes!!

Particularly exciting for the young farmer movement and developing the agrarian commons are the propositions below. Learn more about the work of our sister organization, Agrarian Trust, here!

  • Invest in beginning farmers to purchase land and equipment for sustainable farming.
  • Allocate government funding to purchase easements to ensure land stays in agriculture.
  • Incentivize community ownership of farmland to allow more people to work the land and produce food for local consumers.
  • Make government owned farmland available as incubator farms for beginning farmers.

And the list goes on. Click here to read more on Bernie's plans to Revitalize Rural America.



