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beehive collective is swarming

Posted: November 8 2010

Check out the Beehive Collective on tour, sharing stories on their new poster, "The True Cost of Coal," about mountaintop removal and everything interconnected with the process.
Please pass along to interested folks, and COMEJoin the Beehive Collective for an exciting and educational visual workshop on "The True Cost of Coal" Come for food and awesome conversation! *
Using a gigantic, portable mural teeming with intricate images of plants and animals, the Bees will walk participants through the connections between mountain top removal coal mining, coal-fired electricity and climate change. Using storytelling, small and full group discussions, we'll examine the local to global impacts of our industrialized way of life, drawing out connections to participants' daily lives. Together we will analyze real costs, root causes, and what deep change can and does actually look like!
You can view the "True Cost of Coal" graphic and find more project info at: http://www.beehivecollective.org/english/coal.htm
This workshop raises questions about resistance, regeneration, and remediation while celebrating stories of struggle from impacted communities. The TRUE COST OF COAL will challenge all of us who casually flip on a light switch to examine our own connections to this newest, most destructive form of coal mining—and to think about what we can do to stop it from within our own communities.
*Here's where the Beehive will be in Seattle in the next few days:* (starred events are open to the public)
*Mon. Nov. 8th at 4:30-6:30pm UW Seattle The Quad or, if raining, Thomson 125*
Tues. Nov. 9th 8:30-10am classroom visit at Nova High School 301 21st Ave E
*Tues. Nov. 9th 6-8pm Seattle University, details TBA*
More dates across the US here.
*About the Beehive*
The Beehive Design Collective is an all-volunteer, art-activist collective dedicated to cross-pollinating the grassroots by creating collaborative, anti-copyright images for use as educational and organizing tools. We work anonymously as word-to-image translators of complex global stories, gathered through conversations with affected communities.
Our latest project, "The True Cost of Coal," is a giant portable mural created in collaboration with Appalachian grassroots organizers fighting Mountain Top Removal Coal Mining. Coal companies are turning mountains into moonscapes to fuel an ever-growing global demand for electricity. Our graphic connects mining's devastating impacts on human and ecological communities to an "American Dream" that demands cheap fossil fuels, poisoning the planet and accelerating climate chaos.You can download our press kit at: http://www.beehivecollective.org/english/presskit.htm and you can find more information about booking our workshops at: http://www.beehivecollective.org/english/tour_form.htm