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be a part of the greenhorns circular

Posted: February 15 2010

the greenhorn circular is a quarterly online trove of young farmer writing, art, activism, and reportage.
the first, training-wheels issue came out last december and the next issue will come out on march 15.

submit to issue no. 2: "the rides of march" which will focus particularly on the uses of bikes in farming.
do you have a story or nice pictures about that? an essay? we also like collage, interviews, visions, cartoons, photography, triumphs, and failures.
And we are also interested always in your Politics, Retrofits, Farming structures (especially organizational ones), and these days Winter farm prep. And all other Farm related stuff.
You can see issue one here. The circular goes out to the greenhorns large email list and up on the greenhorns web site.
Please submit work to Patrick at [email protected] by March 10th deadline for inclusion in the next issue. Please limit writing to 1000 words or less. Email with any questions.

