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young candidate on agricultural platform

Posted: July 25 2012

Kevin Labenz.  Here's his pitch:
On June 12th, I officially launched my campaign for Minnesota State House of Representatives in the newly outlined District 23A.
Many of you know me well and have graciously supported me over the past month as my campaign took off. A big hearty thank you for your time, donations, and words of encouragement. I couldn't do any of this without you!
To those who are just getting to know me, I am a long time resident of the district; I grew up on a farm outside of Welcome and went to Martin County West High School in Sherburn. I graduated from Hamline University in St. Paul and subsequently spent 5 years teaching English in Japan before returning home to the farm in 2009.
Spending time with family and old friends, working again in agriculture, and reconnecting with the communities that nurtured me, I was reminded why Southern Minnesota is a wonderful place to live and raise families. Our values and way of life remain attractive, but I have grown increasingly concerned about the ability for young people to stay and make a living in the community they grew up in.
I want to see real investment and economic development in the district, with real jobs and good wages, so everyone can make the choice to stay where they want to be. As our heritage and the backbone of our economy, I want to work to ensure that agriculture jobs can continue to support farm and non-farm families alike, while encouraging young people to return to the family farm as the older generation retires. And as a product of our rural education system, I strongly believe that supporting our schools, early childhood programs, community colleges, and vocational training programs is key to having long-term economic success.
My opponent, Bob Gunther, appears satisfied with the status quo, but I believe that the same tired politics of the past aren't working. We need a new generation of leaders to solve the issues facing us in the 21st century, and I am ready and energized to work hard to revitalize our communities for the future.
Kevin Labenz


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