watermelon moonshine
mark your calendars...
( ) watermelon moonshine ( )
a night-time ripening + workparty.
When: saturday august 29th afternoon+ sunday all day.
What: a campout, flashmob, grill up, farm over.
Where: Smithereen farm, Nevis, NY.
muscovy ducks
heritage pork
squash+ hopefully some green tomatoes
Smithereen Farm mayonnaise,
bread donated by Wild Hive Bakery
spirits donated by Tuthilltown Spirits
Featuring: The Rude Mechanical Orchestra
bring: a blanket, a towel, sleeping gear, potluck cheese/ dessert /meat items of impeccable provenance, work gloves/hat/strongshoes, shiny friends, lovers and colleagues.
RSVP to anya[email protected] for directions and orientation sheet.
This event is co-hosted by Smithereen Farm + The Greenhorns.
There will be merchandise for sale, but all who participate in the workday can expect to eat for free, guiltlessly.
We will update you on the beer situation will be in the next installment of this announcement - coming soon!