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USDA advisory committee on beg farmers

Posted: January 5 2013
journeyWASHINGTON, December 28, 2012—The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) recently published a Notice of Intent to Renew the Charter for its Advisory Committee on Beginning Farmers and Ranchers in the Federal Register dated December 19, 2012.
This Committee advises the Secretary of Agriculture on matters broadly affecting new farmers and ranchers— leveraging best practices to enhance Department goals for new farming and ranching operations. The Committee will also consider goals and objectives necessary to implement its recommendations from the prior term.
The USDA is soliciting nominations from interested organizations and individuals from among ranching and farming producers (industry), related government, State, and Tribal agricultural agencies, academic institutions, commercial banking entities, trade associations, and related nonprofit enterprises. An organization may nominate individuals from within or outside its membership; alternatively, an individual may nominate herself or himself. Nomination packages should include a nomination form along with a cover letter or resume that documents the nominee’s background and experience. Nomination forms are available on the Internet at http://www.ocio.usda.gov/sites/default/files/docs/2012/AD-755_Master_2012_508%20Ver.pdf.
The period for submitting nominations packages has been extended to January 16, 2013 (a notice regarding the extension will likewise be published in the Federal Register). A nomination package should include a resume or biographical description with a cover letter addressed to Thomas Vilsack, Secretary, U. S. Department of Agriculture, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20250, Attn: Advisory Committee on Beginning Farmers and Ranchers. Individuals nominated (either by self or by others) must also complete an application (Form AD-755). Nomination packages with a completed AD-755 application should be sent to: Mrs. R. J. Cabrera, Designated Federal Official, USDA OAO, 1400 Independence Avenue, Room 520-A, Washington, DC 20250-0170. Nomination packages may also be faxed to (202) 720-7704. Inquires may be sent via email to: [email protected].


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