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Urban Homesteaders' League Market Stand - video short

Posted: January 28 2011

a note and video link from lisa at the Urban Homesteader's League:

Dear friends,
As many of you know, I spent much of the summer and fall at the Union Square Farmers Market in Somerville running the Urban Homesteaders' League Market Stand.  The UHL Market Stand was a collaborative, experiential learning space I designed and developed as part of the Urban Homesteaders' League--a community venture I launched about a year and a half ago.  The project was a big success and a lot of fun.  It was a great experience to collaborate with all the knowledgeable and passionate people who participated in the project.  Jen Kelley, a wonderfully talented documentary filmmaker, has just completed a 6 minute film about the project, and I'm very excited to share it with you.
Please check it out and spread the word! http://vimeo.com/19036070

