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urban ag discussion
Posted: July 11 2012
urban greenhorns - dial in! Orion wants your perspective.
Urban agriculture is hot! Many cities now have initiatives that grow food, and their yields go far beyond broccoli and beets. Orion welcomes author Jennifer Cockrall-King and friends to discuss all of the movement's crops on July 17 at 7 p.m. Eastern, 4 p.m. Pacific.
As Rebecca Solnit writes in "Revolutionary Plots" in the July/August issue of Orion, this new green revolution is "an attempt to undo the destructive aspects of the first one, to make an organic and intimate agriculture that feeds minds and hearts as well as bodies, that measures intangible qualities as well as quantity."
As Rebecca Solnit writes in "Revolutionary Plots" in the July/August issue of Orion, this new green revolution is "an attempt to undo the destructive aspects of the first one, to make an organic and intimate agriculture that feeds minds and hearts as well as bodies, that measures intangible qualities as well as quantity."
What do you think urban agriculture's principal benefits are? Is it more than good local food? Can you grow community? How about justice? And what's going on in your city?
During the event, we'll discuss the many other benefits it delivers with Cockrall-King (author of Food and the City: Urban Agriculture and The New Food Revolution), Jason Mark of Alemany Farm in San Francisco, Katherine Kelly of Cultivate Kansas City, and Karen Washington with La Finca Del Sur in the South Bronx (pictured).
The event is free to join, will be moderated by Orion staff, and is open to all readers and friends.
Advance registration is required. More information and registration here.
This will be a web presentation with our usual phone format, in which you will hear from our guests, see a slide show of images, and then have a chance to ask your questions and share your thoughts.
Please forward this on to your friends, contacts, lists, networks, Facebook friends, and colleagues. We can all benefit from exchanges like this.
And if you missed our previous live web event on bringing greater cultural diversity to the environmental movement, you can listen to the audio recording here.
Hope you can join us for this unique event!
Erik Hoffner