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this history is worth knowing (for farmers, for everyone)

Posted: August 16 2015

American History, it's not boring. (And it's worth knowing.) Just ask J.L. Bell, a historian who writes on his well-curated blog about the start of the American Revolution in and around Boston.
How can we sell you on studying up on your American history? Well, we could give you the 3 a.m. infomercial-style pragmatic sales pitch, i.e."Tired of being confused by the nightly news? Do you want a better understanding of today's most prescient political arguments? Learn more about American's aversion to taxation, the country's long-standing tradition of underpaying agricultural workers, and the foundations of a long-entrenched and still-present racial, gender, and class-based hierarchy-- and many more!"
Or, we could appeal to your competitive side. i.e. "Trivia night!!!! VICTORY!!! It's IN YOUR HAAANDS!!"
We could. But today I think we'll try selling you sensationalist style, because colonial history of political dissent turns out to be far juicier than today's petition-signing. i.e. Tune in to today's American history on Boston 1775 for the ARSEN OF THE COURTHOUSE BY ANGRY MOB, the TARRING AND FEATHERING of public officials, and the HANGING OF THE TAXMAN EFFIGY. You won't want to miss this!"
And really, I think you won't.

