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the organic roots collection

Posted: October 31 2012

A treasure trove in the making. Check it out here: http://organicroots.nal.usda.gov/about/
About the Collection:
Good information is a critical part of successful and sustainable agricultural production. The National Agricultural Library (NAL) possesses thousands of publications printed before synthetic fertilizer and pesticides became commercially available (around 1942) when farmers used methods that we would now call organic. Many of these publications contain state-of-the-art information and data that is still valuable to today’s organic and sustainable farmers. Digitization of these publications allows us to make this information available to those who do not possess the time or geographic proximity to search the library’s collection. In addition, digitization of this information ensures it will be preserved and available for generations. This project is being done in a series of phases covering a variety of topics including crop production, livestock production, and seed breeding, production and preservation.
About AFSIC:
The Alternative Farming Systems Information Center (AFSIC) focuses on topics related to sustainable and alternative agricultural systems, crops and livestock. We work to implement the NAL mission of "advancing access to global information for agriculture."
AFSIC specializes in library services - locating, accessing, organizing and distributing information - related to many aspects of alternative agriculture. Including: sustainable crop and livestock production, ecological pest management, renewable energy, direct marketing and local food systems, organic production and certification, small farm issues, women and minority farmer issues, and crop and livestock diversification using alternative livestock and livestock breeds, specialty crops, and value added enterprises.

