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The National Heirloom Exposition

Posted: July 16 2011

The National Heirloom Exposition, the "World's Pure Food Fair," this September 13-15 at the Santa Rosa Fairgrounds in beautiful Sonoma County, CA.  The first gathering of its kind, the Heirloom Expo will include the world's largest display of heirloom produce, chef demonstrations, workshops and speakers including Dr. Vandana Shiva from India and Alice Waters, live music, a farmer's market, pumpkin growing contests, live and silent auctions, a poultry and livestock show including rare and heritage breeds, and a trade show including over 250 vendors!
On Wednesday, September 14 we will be focusing our workshops, speakers, films, and events on educating children and adolescents in order to ensure a future of well-informed and considerate generations.

