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tell congress to finish the GIPSA rule

Posted: November 21 2011

via the Center for Rural Affairs:
Despite lots of action from folks like you who want farmers to have a fair shot to make a living from raising livestock, Congress this week blocked almost all of the livestock fairness rule, or “GIPSA rule,” from moving forward.
This is not what democracy looks like. But we’re not giving up. Sign here!
How did this happen? The meatpackers didn’t like the proposed GIPSA rule because it would mean they’d have to treat independent family farmers fairly. They lobbied congress to block the final rule by changing the bill that funds the Department of Agriculture.  (You can read more details on how this happened here).

What can we do now?
Unlike voting in an election, telling Congress what you think about GIPSA is best done early and often. We didn’t win this round because there aren’t enough voices for family farmers to counteract the money that meatpackers are putting into this fight.

Can you help?
We’ve started this petition to voice our disappointment to Congress. Then send it to 11 of your friends, asking them to sign and pass it along.
I can’t emphasize enough that there is strength in numbers, and that’s how we can win. We need your help to do this. Click here to sign, and send this petition to 11 friends.
Thanks for your help,
Steph & Jamie
PS. Why 11 friends? Title 11 in the Farm Bill is the Livestock Title, which was new in 2008 and ordered Congress to rewrite this rule.


Politics & Activism

