women in agriculture
our new favorite greeting cards
We love these female-farmer inspired greeting cards, and we love that a portion of proceeds go to support more women in agriculture.
did we mention that it's free?
Please join National Farmers Union December 5-8, 2016 for our FREE online beginning farmer and rancher conference. Growing for the Future is a unique online, interactive virtual conference focused on beginning farmer […]
farm grrrl power symposium
Tickets available on a sliding scale: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/foundations-and-the-future-womens-leadership-in-the-food-movement-tickets-27100479263?aff=eac2 A day of education, celebration and dialogue, this one-day symposium intends to acknowledge, celebrate and lift up the leadership and voice of women in […]
awesome HERB MAYONNAISE farmer entrepreneur
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c_-nnJqChQY&w=560&h=315]
kale, racial justice, and reclaiming our collective right to the earth
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=StygQm6YlwQ] A beautiful walk around Soul Fire Farm with the thoughtful, insightful, and fiercely passionate Leah Penniman. This film was produced by The Next System Project and the Laura Flanders […]
rachel's war
In the Spring of 1962, The New Yorker published Rachel Carson’s anti-pesticide manifesto, Silent Spring, in three installments. Carson’s message quickly transcended the magazine’s readership, eliciting a national response that […]
think you know what a farmer looks like?
Preliminary results from the 2012 Census of Agriculture show the increasing role of women in U.S. agriculture—especially on organic and small-scale farms. When Lindsey Morris Carpenter was a college student […]
women in agriculture conference - nebraska
Taking Charge of Our Future, the 2011 Women in Agriculture Conference February 17 and 18 at the Holiday Inn in Kearney, NE Nebraska Women in Agriculture (WIA) is designed to […]