small-scale farming

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why rural farming matters to the city

The following article was submitted to the Greenhorns by Freya Yost. Freya is Director of Operations at Cloudburst Foundation, an Italian-based non-profit working closely with the Commonwealth to address climate change and meet the UN SDGs. Her background is in information science, specializing in areas of government information and policy, open source technologies, and digital rights […]

Posted: November 21 2017
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pint-sized tea estates

North Bengal's small-scale tea farm movement is growing rapidly.

Posted: January 21 2017
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is the world bank in with monsanto?

Influenced by agribusiness giants, the rating mechanisms of a World Bank index threaten the seed sovereignty of small farmers globally. Please help!

Posted: January 7 2017
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fund the library for food sovereignty!

[youtube] Donate at the indigogo page here! In the creators' own words, "A Growing Culture (AGC) is a global coalition that connects farmers to each other and to the resources they need to create an ecologically sound food system and prosperous planet. We are building the world’s first digital, open-access platform powered by farmers, for farmers. The Library […]

Posted: June 14 2016
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sweet little info video on efficiency on large v. small scale farms

[youtube] This video was release in the build-up to last weekend's World Forum on Access to Land in Spain. March 30-April 2, 400 participants from 70 countries discussed the human, economic & ecological impacts of land grabs. Was anyone out there in attendance. We'd love to hear your stories and feedback in the comments section!

Posted: April 5 2016
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Growing Awareness

[youtube=] This feature-length documentary from the Pacific Northwest examines Community-Supported Agriculture (csa), through which consumers buy shares of a local farm's harvest, receiving a weekly supply of fresh food throughout the growing season. Small-scale organic farmers and csa members from around the South Puget Sound region share their views on the present reality of small-scale […]

Posted: May 16 2008