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know your abattoir: there's a shortage of local slaughterhouses, and it's kind of a big problem

There's a bottleneck problem in sustainable meat: increasingly more producers and consumers and fewer slaughterhouses equipped to get meat from one to the other.

Posted: February 10 2017
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mobile slaughter house makes home slaughter possible

BROOKSVILLE, Maine — Rob Cushman believes there is a better way to kill farm animals than to load them in a truck and drive the anxious pigs, steers, goats and sheep to the nearest slaughterhouse, which in Maine can often be hours away. That’s why he and Jake Hearst, both of Brooksville, have decided to […]

Posted: November 5 2015
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blanket recall: why you should support your local slaughterhouse

A recent NYTimes opinion article begs the public to support your local slaughterhouse. Why? Costs and regulations have caused a sharp decline in slaughterhouse facilities across the state. As a result, small producers in California are being included in a blanket recall for 8.7 million pounds of beef.   "Our beef comes from grass-fed cattle. […]

Posted: March 13 2014