watch: this will brighten up your day for sure!
the shortage of livestock veterinarians is reaching "crisis levels"
Even after the lamb comes, the ewe continues to strain. Sticky with afterbirth, the ram lamb calls to his mother in quavering tenor, but though she lifts her head in […]
new institute focused on nation's soil health
[vimeo 147375088 w=500 h=281] To ensure that soil continues to be a vital natural resource for generations to come, The Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation and Farm Foundation, NFP, today announce […]
action alert: protect small farmers and food producers from FSMA regulations
You might not know it, but a legislative battle is being waged over who can produce food, where they can sell it, and when the government can shut them down. […]
horticulture position in oklahoma
The Kerr Center for Sustainable Agriculture in Poteau, Oklahoma, is now accepting applications for the position of Horticulture Program Assistant. The Kerr Center is a 501(c)(3) non-profit educational foundation. Position […]
three springs farm, from youngfarmers.org
Check out the youngfarmers.org young farmer profiles, including this from Greenhorns in OK: http://www.youngfarmers.org/2010/12/emily-oakley-and-mike-appel-ok/ and their super nice website! www.threespringsfarm.com