why there is a giant media blackhole blackout on the native american oil blockade
For the love of all things good! Can we talk about something other than Donald Trump already? Thanks to Global Research for publishing this informative piece: "The first point is […]
meanwhile at standing rock
http://www.democracynow.org/embed/story/2016/10/24/standing_rock_police_arrest_100_water The indigenous peoples and activists at Standing Rock are facing militarized police and a impenetrable silence in the mainstream media as they work to protect the indigenous rights granted […]
obama administration to sell offshore drilling leases
https://static01.nyt.com/images/2008/06/26/business/26offshore.600.jpg On March 15th, the Obama administration released a draft offshore drilling plan for 2017-2022 that includes 10 lease sales in the Gulf of Mexico and 3 in the Arctic […]
when the oil fields burned
While we're on the subject of oil, this past Sunday, the New York Times magazine re-ran Sebastiao Salgado's 1991 photo documentary of the burning of Saudi oil fields. And, holy crap, they […]