farmers never looked so rock and roll
[youtube] Don't be fooled by the quaint title of this upcoming movie; Peter and the Farm is not your typical pastoral depiction of 21st century farming. There's no banjo music […]
[youtube] Modified is a gorgeous and deeply personal feature-length documentary that delves into the labyrinth of asking why, if they are labelled in 64 other world counties, are genetically modified organisms […]
let the optimism flow
so(/e)wing hemp in Kentucky
[vimeo 165600324 w=640 h=360] "In the end there is more than just fiber that tears and fades when you use cheap goods to hold things together." Harvesting Liberty, about Michael Lewis […]
expired! watch the film!
[vimeo 154439089 w=500 h=281] Together, the Harvard Food Law and Policy Clinic (FLPC) and Racing Horse Productions presents Expired? Food Waste in America. The film is visually compelling, full of all kinds of trivia […]
3 days left to see RUNOFF in theaters in los angeles & claremont
“As an experience, it’s amazing. If you want to be able to say you were there when a great American filmmaker’s career kicked off, you need to see Runoff.” – RogerEbert We […]
ag thriller "runoff" begins screening soon!
A woman is struggling to keep her family in tact as the banks try to foreclose on her property. Someone makes her an illegal proposition that could help her keep […]