migrant workers

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ice detained migrant farmer activists: thousands responded.

A recap of the ten-day campaign to free two young farmworker activists from ICE detention.

Posted: March 28 2017
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NPR's the salt puts spotlight on industrial ag workers

We don't often see mainstream media outlets report on the often invisible farm workers that hold up so much of American agriculture-- let alone do in depth and humanizing interviews with them. So, in case you missed it, we wanted to bring your attention to a series created by Dan Charles for NPR's The Salt in which […]

Posted: July 27 2016
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march for farmworker justice continues

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xdY2jAJfARI] Read our blog post from yesterday for more info! Today the walkers are walking from Garrison to Wappingers Falls.

Posted: May 25 2016
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new york farm workers rally and walk for bargaining rights and decent working conditions

Walking the 200 miles from Long Island to Albany, protesters stopped at City Hall in New York City last Saturday chanting si se puede. According to Democracy Now!, the protesters are walking in support of the Farmworkers Fair Labor Practices Act (more about this from the ACLU), asking that farm workers have the right to collective bargaining, an optional […]

Posted: May 24 2016