land rights
study warns unprecedented wave of land privatization
DRIVING DISPOSSESSIONTHE GLOBAL PUSH TO“UNLOCK THE ECONOMIC POTENTIAL OF LAND” [pdf] From the Oakland Institute: Driving Dispossession: The Global Push to “Unlock the Economic Potential of Land,” sounds the alarm on the unprecedented wave of privatization of natural resources that is underway around the world. Through six case studies—Ukraine, Zambia, Myanmar, Papua New Guinea, Sri Lanka, […]
trailer: 500 years: life in resistance, a story about indigenous land struggles in Guatemala
[youtube] 500 which premiered earlier this year at the Sundance Film Festival, is set in the years between 2013 and 2016. It documents the trial of the former Guatemalan dictator Efrain Rios Montt in 2013, who was tried and convicted of genocide and crimes against humanity, when it was found that there was significant […]
watch: in our hands
[vimeo 210027143 w=640 h=360] The Landworkers Alliance, is an organisation based in UK made up of farmers, growers and land workers working together to find solutions to the shared challenges they face, and raising awareness about the contributions that they make to their communities. In Our Hands, is their documentary, made to share their quiet revolution […]
our land 2: moving towards an autonomous food system, NM, nov 9-15
OUR LAND 2! November 9-17th, in Albuquerque and Santa Fe New Mexico. ALL THE INFORMATION IS HERE: This will be the second Agrarian Trust OUR LAND symposium, and once again we’ve got speakers from around the country and around the region focusing our attention, analysis, activism and collective agency on issues relevant to your […]
ultra-extra-awesomely-superb podcast series: earth matters
Have you been listening to Earth Matters?? This fabulous podcast series gives voice to indigenous activists, environmentalists, and people around the globe working for social justice. We cannot recommend it highly enough. Hailing from Australia's community radio station 3CR AM, Radical Radio, you can stream episodes online or download straight form iTunes. The link above will bring […]
declaration against the criminalisation, persecution and judicialization of the struggle for the defence of life, rights, land, water, seeds and mother earth
International Conference on Agrarian Reform La Via Campesino, The Peasant's Movement Marabá, 15 April 2016 From 13 to 17 April 2016, in Marabá, Pará, Brazil, more than 130 delegates from 28 countries around the world were brought together as part of La Vía Campesina and allied movements, as part of the International Conference on Agrarian […]
just food? conference, march 25-26, cambridge
JUST FOOD? FORUM ON LAND USE, RIGHTS AND ECOLOGY A CONFERENCE EXPLORING LAND AND THE FOOD SYSTEM: HOW LAND AFFECTS WHAT WE EAT, WHO WE ARE, AND THE ENVIRONMENT WE LIVE IN March 25–26, 2016 Wasserstein Hall, Harvard Law School, Cambridge, Massachusetts This year's Just Food? conference will examine the relationship between people and land, primarily […]
just food forum on land access, rights, and ecology: march 25-26, cambridge, ma
hydroelectric damn threatens farmland in BC
Impact of Site C Dam on B.C. Farmland Far More Dire Than Reported, Local Farmers Show By Sarah Cox • Thursday, January 7, 2016 - 12:43 Reposted from DESMOG CANADA "Clay and Katy Peck are just the type of young farming family that B.C. Agriculture Minister Norm Letnick says his government wants to support to ensure “a reliable food […]
what would it take to strengthen women's land rights
The evidence base is growing: strengthening women’s land rights contributes to women’s empowerment and household welfare. Evidence is also showing that women who have more secure land tenure are more likely to plant trees or make other investments to improve the land and generate ecosystem services. This means efforts to improve women’s land rights can […]
the land portal
There is a wealth of information and data online about land governance. However, much of this content is fragmented and difficult to locate, and often it is not openly licensed to enable wide dissemination and reuse. Grassroots knowledge may be particularly hard to find, or may not be available online, and the data and information […]
land, co-ops, compost: a local food economy emerges in boston's poorest neighborhoods
via by Penn Loh of YES! Magazine When Glynn Lloyd couldn’t source enough locally grown produce, he decided to grow his own. Since 1994, Lloyd has run City Fresh Foods, a catering company based in Roxbury—one of Boston's lowest-income neighborhoods. He wanted his business to use locally produced food, but at that time it […]