talkin healthcare for farmers
Vermont Public Radio article on the challenges new and old farmers face when accessing affordable health insurance.
health care and young farmers
[youtube] We are so grateful to Shoshana Inwood, an assistant professor at UVM, for drawing attention to the struggles that young farmers face when it comes to procuring health […]
An organization that began in the summer of 2009, out of the recognition that young people's voices were not being heard in the debate over health care reform. Co-Founders Ari […]
health insurance toolkit
Getting Covered is a campaign to inform young adults and their families about dependent coverage, the provision in the new health care law that allows young adults to stay on […]
farm safety
some resources from NYCAMH. Thanks to Aspiring farmer Sarah for sending us this link! In her words, "The NY Center for Agricultural Medicine has a lot of resources about preventing […]
young farmer healthcare
the farming season is long and leaves lots of impressions. young farmers often eat like kings and get more sunshine than anyone, but the fact is we put our bodies […]