greenhorns radio
talking co-ops
Hudson Valley farmer farmer Faith Gilbert talks cooperative farming, guidebook writing, and community organizing today on Greenhorns Radio.
to reduce food waste, farm insects
Can we use insects to convert food waste into animal feed?
when farms are not fair
The California Institute for Rural Studies takes a strong eye to the lives of farm workers in rural CA. We speak with them on the GH radio today.
accelerating appalachia today on GH radio
Accelerating Appalachia is a "word HUB for sustainable business," providing training to, coordinate mentorship for, and encourage financial investment in organizations who are "solving big problems with their business models." […]
biodynamics in idaho on greenhorns radio this week
Miles Teitge is a young biodynamic farmer and educator, and he speaks to why young farmers and sustainable farming should move to Idaho.
tomorrow on greenhorns radio! jeff conan on the devasting effects of palm oil production
Tomorrow January 25th on the Heritage Radio Network, Greenhorns radio talks to Jeff Conan, Senior Forest Campains Manager at Friends of the Earth, a global activist network that campaigns for international […]
Greenhorns 2016 Impact Report
On this winter’s solstice, along with traditions of stoking the hearth and nestling fireside, we thought to drop a line on the past season. In 2016 our Greenhorns network […]
agricultural trailblazer dorn cox on GH radio tomorrow, dec. 20!
Where does Dorn Cox find the time to get so much done? Dorn is a founding member and board president of farm hack, is director of Greenstart, and-- as his […]
on radio tues dec. 13: farmer, straw-bale builder, and all around agriculture do-er Erica Frenay
Live on Heritage Radio's Greenhorns Radio show this Tuesday, we'll interview farmer Erica Frenay of Shelterbelt Farm in Ithaca New York. Erica also works for Cornell's Small Farms Institute, and […]
Bellegarde Bakery
Graison Gill will be on Greenhorns Radio, Heritage Radio Network tomorrow 4pm EST – listen in! And for more information on Bellegarde and their process, check out this video.
sassafras stomp tour dates!
Remember Adam and Johanna, the sweet song birds of Songbird Farm in Unity, ME? Good. Just to keep you abreast of their happenings: you can catch Adam's interview on the Greenhorns Radio […]
radio bliss
Greenhorns Radio episode featured on Heritage Radio Network Top Episodes of 2015! This particular episode features Suzanne Hunt, founder of Hunt Green LLC, who discussed national policy with Severine. Her company provides strategic […]