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strolling heifers, trailing sheep

Posted: May 30 2011

Join us for the 15th annual Trailing of the Sheep Festival honoring women and their contributions to the development of Idaho and the west. 
Friday, October 7
"Women Writing and Living the West," A Symposium featuring some of the finest western women writers and ranching women sharing powerful life stories and experiences. Buy Tickets »
Cooking with lamb and fiber workshops
Third annual Art and Lamb Foodie Fest
SheepTales Gathering featuring the movie Heartland.
Saturday, October 8
Folklife Fair featuring demonstrations, music, dancers, displays, activities, artisans and shops.
Fiber Fest
Lambtastic Lunch featuring the Valley's best restaurants.
Baxter Black, Cowboy poet and entertainer: The N.Y. Times calls him "probably the nation's most successful living poet..." Buy Tickets »
Sheepdog Trials, Saturday & Sunday!
Yes, the sheepdog trials will be back and better than ever with new events.
Sunday, October 9
Sheepherding storytelling at Starbucks
Lamb barbecue.  Lambtastic Event!
Trailing of the Sheep Parade, featuring 1,500 sheep down Main Street, Ketchum, Idaho
Arborglyph hike
Help us make the Festival happen again this year!  Donate to our make a difference campaign. Simply click Donate Now below.