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stone soup fall classes, maine
Posted: May 31 2013
Stone Soup Institute is offering a Fall Semester to four students who are curious and adventuresome enough to explore the experiential learning opportunities on a small homestead in Maine.
- Animal Husbandry
- Butchering pigs
- Daily care of laying hens
- Butchering broiler chickens
- Daily care of draft horses
- Logging with draft horses
- Craft
- Wild harvesting mushrooms
- Wine making
- Baking in a wood-fired outdoor oven
- Introduction to Fiber Arts
- Introduction to Blacksmithing
- Gardening and Crops
- Storing root vegetables for Winter
- Cover Cropping
- Planting garlic
- Threshing dry beans
- Shelling corn
- Saving seed from fall crops
For more information see: