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seed camp!

Posted: June 5 2012

2012 Seed Camp @ Saving Seeds Farm, Sedgwick, Maine
August 17 - 20, 2012
A weekend-long intensive course on small-scale farming and seed production. Includes workshops on producing a variety of seeds for the garden to small farm. Farm tours, workshops, hands-on learning, and time for socializing. Deadline for registration is July 31. Tenting and outdoor accommodations available. Scholarships and work trade available. For more info contact Bob St.Peter at 244-0908 or foodformainesfuture207 at gmail.com.
Cost:  $300, includes 8 meals made from seasonal and organic ingredients. Vegetarian/vegan options available.
Dear Community Food & Food Justice Organizations,
Greetings from Sedgwick, Maine! It's my pleasure to let you know about Saving Seeds Farm's 2012 Seed Camp, featuring a full day of workshops with master seedsman Will Bonsall. This weekend-long intensive in small-scale seed production and farming will take place at Food for Maine's Future educational seed farm in Sedgwick from August 17 – 20., and feature tours of area farms, including famed Four Season Farm owned and operated by Eliot Coleman and Barbara Damrosch. There will be hands-on learning, time for socializing, and lots of good, local food! Information about the program is included below along with a promotional poster for your office or other location.
Food for Maine's Future/Saving Seeds Farm has created Seed Camp to serve beginning farmers, food justice activists, and community-based food and farming organizations around the U.S. interested in learning how to grow, save, and preserve their own seeds. With minimal knowledge and training, our grassroots organizations are poised to become the alternative to the corporate controlled seed system, bringing real food security and justice to our communities.
Please consider sending a representative or two from your group to Sedgwick for this exciting learning and networking opportunity. Space is limited to 25 participants and we are seeking people with a sincere commitment to implementing what they learn.
I am happy to answer questions or provide you more information about the camp, accommodations, or the local host community. Don't hesitate to be in touch.
Bob St.Peter
Food for Maine's Future/Saving Seeds Farm
Sedgwick, Maine
Saving Seeds Farm's 2012 Seed Camp Materials
Registration & Camp Information

Program Schedule
2012 Seed School & Seed Camp Poster



