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save the date: maine grain conference!

Posted: January 28 2014
We will post registration information as soon as we have it!
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2014 Maine Grain Conference, 
March 15th – Bangor, ME
We are extremely fortunate this year to have as our main speakers Mary-Howell and Klaas Martens of Lakeview Organic Grains, Penn Yan, NY.  The Martens are regional experts in all aspects of organic grain production and handling.  They will discuss crop rotations, fertility and weed management, seed production, and post-harvest grain cleaning, drying, and storage; as well as the topics and questions that you bring.  We’ll also learn from a panel of Maine grain growers about their successes and lessons learned; and hear about results from UMaine grain research.
Save March 15th on your calendar and look for upcoming registration information!






