San Francisco Victory Gardens!
Live in San Francisco? Have or want a garden? This is for you:
Hello Fellow Gardeners + Residents of San Francisco!
Victory Gardens 2009+ has just launched the Garden Registry! Please contribute a photo and information about your surrounding garden space (used or unused):
The San Francisco Victory Garden Garden Registry is an online map and social networking tool created to connect city gardeners and to locate current or potential food productions zones*within the city of San Francisco. By registering your food production zone you are contributing to an important portrait of land use.
Our goal is to quantify the total amount of potential food production zones** within the city in order to consider how to support, connect and cultivate these spaces.
It is not limited to garden space, so forward this to friends who have space that is not currently being used.
This project was made possible by:
For information on Victory Gardens 2009+,
please visit:
*Food production zone:
Any open space currently used to grow food; backyard, rooftop, front yard, window box, sidewalk, etc.
**Potential food production zone:
Any open space that could be used for growing food, but that is not currently in use.
Thank you,
Amy, on behalf of Victory Gardens 2009+