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Resources: recommended reading, viewing, listening and more

Posted: December 8 2007

One of our goals is to provide young farmers, apprentices, and others with the resources necessary to begin farming or to expand their practice. We think that the knowledge of other Greenhorns will provide ballast and an ideal platform from which to share information. We aim to facilitate this information exchange through establishing a website as a framework for support through social networks, a comprehensive online reference manual of case studies, essays, and lists of recommended books and films.
Until this site is up and running, we will post various essays relating to themes important to The Greenhorns on pages of this blog. You can navigate via the links on the right under Essays and farther down under Recommended Online Films.
Essays on the blog so far include:
Reweaving the Fabric of Rural America: Food as a Common Thread by John Ikerd
The Story of Synthia: Craig Venter's plan to build a synthetic life-form by ETC, art by Sig.
Please also see www.pixiepoppins.org, created several years ago by our director Severine von Tscharner Fleming as a resource hub for young agrarians.