retro-fitting + food production
Medium scale food processing. YES! we need more and better.
May every PETSMART in america be converted into a smokehouse.
Every walmart into a slaughterhouse
Every Kmart into a farmers market
May the retro-fitter install skylights and roof gardens.
And may the parking lots become amphitheatres for local culture.
here is a brilliant example of what we should be doing & supporting:
Vermont Smoke & Cure
We craft some of the finest bacon, ham and other smoked meats in the world for you using pure ingredients and old fashioned ways. We've been at it for over 45 years, here in our smokehouse in the hills of Central Vermont.
We're here to provide smoking for meats that Vermont farmers bring us, and we're here to make 'damn fine' natural turkey and other smoked meats and fresh natural sausages that you love. We make all of our products right here in South Barre.
*they also sell t-shirts