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register now for the CCOF conference

Posted: November 30 2011

early bird discounts for another 10 days!
Advancing Organic 2012: Practices and Policies
February 1, 2012
Asilomar Conference Grounds, Pacific Grove, California

A Pre-Conference to EcoFarm

Register NOW - Early bird discounts end December 9, 2011.
Join us for CCOF’s Annual Meeting & Conference on February 1, 2012, which will be held as a pre-conference to EcoFarm. The theme of this full-day conference is Advancing Organic 2012: Practices and Policies. The conference will focus on advancing strong organic practices and shaping policies that support organic research, soil management, food safety, and farming innovation. Conference participants will explore advanced practices and techniques in sessions led by expert organic producers and handlers. Topics will include soil fertility, weed management, range management, and innovation in green energy for organic processing. In addition, we will explore the connection between implementing these practices and advancing federal food and farm policies that value and support the work of organic producers. Experts will address compliance with the National Leafy Greens Marketing Agreement and the Food Safety Modernization Act of 2010. 2012 Farm Bill provisions and how they connect to our work will also be discussed.
For a full agenda, please visit the event page.



